Hey all
Welcome to the first edition of my report, I promise I'll make it fun and happy, and informative if I have any time left.
So first of all I wanted to let you know of what's going on. I finally finished all my exams and can go back to slow RL and activity-filled DB time. First item on the agenda is games. I know what games most of you have, and most of you need. I've talked with Elols about this already, but if anyone else needs a game, shoot me an email and we can come up with something. Once the games get where they are suppose to be, we can start more team related events and gaming, but for now I will throw some easier competitions at you to establish the team and get activity going a little bit.
There are 2 competitions currently approved:
[Circle 1] Screenshot
Requested By:
OP Lucius von Straumpobolopolis d'Tana
So, the idea of this battleteam is that this is a gaming team. And all games have at least this in common, the ability to take screenshots. So take the best screenshot you can, any game, any platform, and send it to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). You have one week, best screenshots get lvl 5 crescents and 1st and 2nd get the title of Flight Leader! Enjoy!
Start Date:
End Date:
Unit in Competition:
Battle Team Circle 1
Any Platfom, email to send in the submission.
5th level crescents, title of FL.
[Circle 1] Motto
Requested By:
OP Lucius von Straumpobolopolis d'Tana
The newly created BT needs a motto, and I'm putting a call for the best motto out there. Just shoot me an email with your motto suggestions, try to put them all in one email. You have one week to participate.
Start Date:
End Date:
Unit in Competition:
Battle Team Circle 1
.doc .txt email
5th level crescents
easy comp to kick the month off, have fun :)
These are scheduled to end soon, but I will extend them and take submissions a few days later so everyone has a chance to get into this. These will get you medals but also two titles of FLs are for grabs.
Another idea which I am still playing around with is getting a point system going. Everything that a member of the BT does will count for points which will at the end get you some cool stuff and medals. I hope to have more on this out by tomorrow or wednesday with complete lists of what gets what points etc. This will most likely start at the beginning of next month, but might be sooner.
So in the long run, give me a shout if you have any ideas or need some guidance, and I'll be always happy to help. I hope to see everyone submit to these comps because they are easy, but if you have any other ideas you know my email ;)
Until next report,
In Darkness
Lucius d'Tana
send submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], have fun!
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