Crusade Ribbon Clarity


Crusade Ribbon Clarity

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Recently, there's been confusion regarding how we're going to be rewarding the ribbons from the vendetta. First off, for every planet a member participates in, they will receive the ribbon for that planet. If they participate in more than half of the events, they receive an ornament in the center. If they complete ALL events for the planet, the ornament gets an upgrade.

Now, to clarify the confusion.

The ribbons will be rewarded at the END of the vendetta, once all participation has been accounted for. Why are we doing this? Because the ribbons each member has earned will be displayed, military style, on their dossier. But doesn't this mean we'll have a LOT of custom images to make? Yes. Muz and I understand that but given that this has been a major event in the DB history, we want to do something major for you.

Towards the end, I will be sitting down with James about how we can set up the site to accommodate for this undertaking. I hope that helps to clear the air and y'all go out there and get that bling.

-Da Shikkaman

Just for further clarification, I believe for the first two phases there was a "Pass" and anyone who participated will get the fully-upgraded ribbons. The below was from the March HRLD report

"I had mentioned this idea around on IRC and played with the designs but I never announced the set up officially. So for the past two phases, everyone who participated will get a pass and receive the highest ribbon decoration."


Phases or Chapters? Big difference.

If I had to hanker a guess: Shikyo meant the rounds that occurred in February and March - not the ones that happened in June and July?

I don't understand how these will be displayed. "military style"? Does that mean they will appear on robes? Or are they getting included in the box with our robes, warbanner, and lightsaber(s)/weapons?

Wally, Howie. The man clearly states "planets" so each planet will have each own ribbon. Example: Krayiss II will have different colors than Nfolgai.

At least that's what I think when the word planet is used instead of phase/chapter.

Awesome! I always wanted to have a rainbow on my robe.

By the way: What is Military Style?

And now I am completely confused about which planet's events counted for participation ribbons.

Xia: " Every planet a member participates in, they will receive the ribbon for that planet. If they participate in more than half of the events, they receive an ornament in the center. If they complete ALL events for the planet, the ornament gets an upgrade."
So all the events are counted on a single planet.
Military style probably means like on a military dress uniform. But I'm not sure, I'm not a military man.

Nice addition. Too bad i can't get the top award since i am on a cellphone and can't do any gaming. But I've done a couple 5 of 6 events.

Military style:

Navy Ribbons

I still think they look like wrist-bands more than "ribbons". I kind of was hoping for something like this:
Alt text

Well, a simple question is how does the above rack of military awesome fit in with what we do in the Dark Brotherhood? I don't want that mess on my Robes. If I get to put on my EH Sector Admiral Dress Blues, well okay :p

I believe it will show alongside your robes, saber and banner, or somewhere else on your dossier, but it'll be it's own thing.

hmmm...reminds me of the days and the XvT clubs

how about medals for nova winners or overall victor of the DC event

Nova winners already get medals, Silent. They're called Novae. :P

Ribbons? Neat. Tattoos? Cool. Facial tattoos? Badass. Facial tattoos of our ribbons? Yes, yes, and more yes.

I must admit, when I first heard the idea tossed around, I didn't think we would be displaying them as modern military style ribbons, as a main component to an already full dossier layout.

Yeah, I have to say the dossier pages have a lot of image content already. Heck, the people with more then one saber are already stretching the layout a lot. That, and Military style ribbons seem very not-Sith, and even more not-Star Wars...

I'm going to concur with that. It's not very Dark Jedi like. Very rarely do you see Dark Jedi take military titles, unless it's one of Palp's fools becoming "Supreme Commander" of the Imperial forces or something. It's not a common thing.

Medals in general don't seem very Dark Jedi-like either.

Point Muz

But current awards are more of an administration thing to keep reward activity and competition victories (and stuff).
Ribbons are nice, but I never got why we just don't use seals.

All events, minus gaming, for the ornament upgrade?

Who cares what they look like on the dossier? Just keep them in the Awards list like the current ones. When someone clicks to open them up, the image pops up as well.

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