CNS Proconsul Report


CNS Proconsul Report

Clan Naga Sadow Proconsul Report August 10.

Oh my god! It’s only been six days since the last report… so sue me for my report timing being erratic.

What’s the news this week?

Well first of all Syntari has returned to Naga Sadow which is good so yay Syn!
Second, we have picked our Special Forces team for the next round of the Crusade which is set to begin in a little over a week from now, the team consists of:

  • Vexatus
  • Macron
  • Malik
  • Teu
  • Methyas
  • Tiberius
  • Alexander
  • Syntari

These are the people who will be competing against the Special Forces members from Scholae Palatinae but don’t worry there will be plenty of competitions for all of you, more on that next week.
There’s more news if you read further.

More news? Do you mean Quaestors?

Yes, yes I do. But I won’t tell you who just yet, you will have to wait for the announcement from our clog wearing Consul, it should happen soonish.


Well yeah, what can you do?

I’ll once again encourage you to join a lot of your fellow members on IRC, you can find us on the undernet server in the channel #naga_sadow, where I will either be named `Malik or Mal|dead.
If you have problems connecting to IRC do not hesitate to contact me and I will do what I can to help, or find someone who can.

Until next week!

SWL Malik Sadow (Sith) / PCON / Clan Naga Sadow [GMRG: II]
ED / RS / GC-PoTP / SC-SoH / AC-RoF / DC-PP / GN / SN-BL / BN-AgL / Cr:3A-11S-12E-6T-5Q / PoB-AgL / CF-SF / CI-RC / SI-AgL / LS-GL / SoL-TC / S:1M-1R-1C-6D-1P-10U-2B-3De-7Dec-7Aff
Son of Sadow

Clogs > Mermaid on a rock

Malik4CON...seriously. Keep up the good fight, Mal

Kalia and Mirus are coming back?!

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