Fist of the Brotherhood Report #4


Fist of the Brotherhood Report #4

First, make sure you read Yack's News Post below this one about some rumors on the upcoming movies. Done? Ok, now on with the Fist Report...

A shorter report than my previous ones, but lots of stuff I'm looking for member feedback on in it. Please add comments and suggestions to help us improve Gaming for you all!

Monthly Mobile Gaming

As a society we're all hooked to our smart phones. I know mine hardly leaves my side most days, with this in mind we've decided to venture into the Mobile side of Gaming and try out a few competitions related to it. Here's the basis of what's planned.

Each month the Fist Staff will feature of "Monthly Mobile Gaming" Competition for a Smart Phone App, my aim is that we focus on Free Apps or Free Versions of Apps. This competition will reward 3rd Level Cresents (remember these can be upgraded for high participation) and each participant will be awarded 5 CFs. Note that these CFs are one time awards each month, not for each entry/score submitted. The idea behind this is to basically to give members something they can play around on while at break, waiting for an airplane, or if they just can't get normal access to a computer and still know they'll get some kind of reward for it, even if they don't place.

So, I thought it would only be appropriate to kick off the inaugural Monthly Mobile Gaming event with Star Wars: Angry Birds (Free Version)! Not only is this appropriate to the Club, later this month we'll also be seeing the release of Star Wars: Angry Birds II (expected on September 19th), so maybe some folks will want to pick that up after playing. Special note for Star Wars: Angry Birds 2 - you can play as Dark Side characters! Check out the Competition Center for more details on this month's competition!

Crusade Gaming

Obviously Alien Swarm was the big hitter this round, that was to be expected based on the competition. I'm interested to hear what you all liked (or didn't like) about this competition. There were some improvements I wish I had made to the rules for the Comp which could have cut down that massive FAQ, which I'm already tracking on. What I'm really interested in is what members thought of a Gaming Competition with more Co-operative play, rather than a Duel based one. It was a pretty big swing from previous phases, so please leave some comments for me and I'll take that all into consideration as we move forward.

All that said, I was curious to see what other platforms would get played in for members just looking to earn a few CFs and count as participants in the Event. Here's a brief rundown:

PVP - Pazaak was a popular game this round, with about 90% of the CFs coming from it. This was followed by JA for the remaining 10%.

PVE - SWTOR remained popular through the event. A handful of Diablo 3 players are still out there as well.

Rites of Combat

Only a minor change this month. Diablo 3 players now only need to take a screenshot of their Profile showing the total Elite Kills before gaming with another member and a second screenshot after to submit for CFs. An example of the screenshot is included on the ROC page. This was to prevent people from needing to attach 15+ screenshots to the Gaming Portal, and is actually a more accurate tracking method than the previous "Screenshot each Elite you kill" method.

You all can expect to see the Rites of Combat 2.0 project to complete sometime around the end of this month, I wrote briefly about the project last report.

TOR Guild

So the Contractors & Freelancer's Bounty Packs were released on 19Aug. This has a few sweet items in it including a set of Adaptive Armor that makes your character look like a Cyborg, a Varactyl mount, a few different trench coats, Frogdog & Rotworm Jerseys, and armor sets that look like Mandalore the Preserver and Darth Scion. Take a look here for some of the images of those items I listed.

Bioware has also announced plans for Patch 2.4, but no release date yet. So far this patch will contain a new Operation which will be the finale to the Dread Masters Storyline, new Flashpoint(s), and will add a new PVP aspect to the game. 4v4 Arenas will get implemented, from the teasers this sounds like it will be a simple deathmatch type battle, with no significant traps or mechanics like Warzones.

There's also been some buzz around a "Super Secret Space Project" that's been in the works for TOR. A short 1 minute teaser has been leaked out, not sure how accurate it is, but it sure looks cool. You can find it here, special thanks to Arch for pointing this out!

Gear Grab Nights continue for the Empire TOR Guild (Thursdays at 8pm EST). We took some down time over the last few weeks due to the Crusade, but expect to see things pick up again here in September / October! Stay tuned to the TOR Guild Webpage as we are planning another Weekly Event that will be getting added to it soon.


The next round of Gorefest will run on 13Sep-15Sep2013.

I can't tell if the SSSP is implementing free-form flight a la X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, or if it'd be co-op space missions... either way, it makes the oldschool Sith in me sing happy songs.

Loved the Alien Swarm event. Also regarding the Contractors & Freelancer's Bounty Packs already got me the "Mandalore the Preserver" set and it looks awesome, except the helmet, I skipped that.

That SSSP looks great, I can't wait for it! By the way, does the Gorefest double CFs take into consideration PVE submissions?

I agree with Yacks, one thing I did notice was that the fighter was new at least so who knows what that means? Flashpoints or operations in space?

Star Wars Angry Birds + Possible space sim (even if its only via TOR) = best FIST report ever!

There is a free pazaak game from Google that works on androids. Absolute pazaak.

crap, TOR's getting arenas?

Time to level my shadow to 55 and get back with my old PvP buddies.

RATHUS! Where are you?

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