As I am working with the incredibly talented and good looking coder staff, we are making headway on projects that I have worked long years on and we have previously all but given up hope on.
Today, a step in that direction has been processed and added to the site.
In your administration menus when you log into the site, you will find a section called 'Secret development stuff'. Underneath this heading, you will find 'View Credit History'.
This is exactly what it sounds like. This is the logic that will be used to generate credits, both salaries (going back to 'the beginning of time' as Arion says) and one time credit awards associated with medals earned.
What is important for you is to go and look at that and make sure that all of your positions and all of your medals are currently showing properly and that the credits section shows 'Yes' for any real jobs you have had in the club. Joke positions and similar will not be paid retroactive salaries. Positions held or medals earned in the EHDB post-split will not be reimbursed.
And here is why: when we do go live, there will be no adjusting for things that you forgot to have fixed. So please, I ask that you go through and make sure that everything is displaying properly now, well before that deadline. Missing items will require corroborating evidence, and should be sent to Howie per his current 'fix the dossiers' drive. Things are about to get exciting.
Thanks again and have fun,
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PS.. just wondering. For those who are off in the ether, and are likely to wander back here and there, will the history extension be afforded to them when the time comes? Just as a thought.
I'm clearly a dork... where's the "Secret development stuff" button? :P
Good News, Everyone!
Ah, wait, the link's appeared now on the right.
excellent can't wait to see this all competed out
No Salary for Fiction Staff Members and Wiki Staff Members? :(
Looks fancy!
Even if this wasn't for another project, just having this information handy is cool as hell.
And this means what? What is the salary for?
The possession system Muz has teased many times in his reports.
Tribune: Gaming doesn't have a salary in the system.
Man, I am so underpaid.
It's because you're Krath. They get paid like women, $0.65 for every Sith/Obelisk $1.
Nice to see that Docents, Professors and Battleteam Sergeants are not considered REAL jobs so far on this project. :P
Jokes on you, Sang! Lmao
Yeah, would be nice to see Docents, Profs and BTL/S get credit for stuff too. Very exciting though. I've been having fun looking through mine. Thanks for the hard work in getting this up!
The data's cool and all (even though I can get the same thing from looking through the history on my dossier), and it might be because I'm viewing it from my phone...but, is there some place I'm supposed to be looking that tells me what all that's worth? Or will that be coming later, when Possessions goes live?
Hmm, I'm not that sure anymore but I assumed being on the DV Staff member was a job. Took me ages to make those sudoku and people liked them. We used to work our arse off to get published, can we please get paid for it mister Muzman? Please.... ;)
for the record, BTLs are considered salaried positions. If you are missing a stint as a BTL, I suggest you go back through the records and get Howie to fill in the gaps.
I found record of my stint as Sempai of Aeronautical Assault (BTL of the Original Hyperion Flight) back in House Senryaku of Aquillas in 1998, had Howie add the dates, and voila, it's there. I would assume that is why Howie has been doing these updates for people.
Same with other missing positions, I'd assume despite their combined wisdom, many minor positions have been overlooked. Email Howie and let him know, and I'm sure he'll sort you out.
I sent Howie a list last night of the various positions that had a "No" next to them as they are viable positions. Most jobs just need to be sorted out in the new site, so just send an e-mail with the ones you see as being actual jobs and they'll be sorted out. There really shouldn't be that many "joke" jobs. For the most part the jobs people had were completely viable and did require actual work to be done. So yeah, go give Howie more work :P
What Halc says. If you see a 'no', it's probably because we haven't assigned it a value yet. Howie's collecting a list of these positions.
I assigned values to a bunch of positions just now, which should be reflected in the credit history reports. Not all values are in yet, so bear with us, and keep sending corrections to the MAA staff!
Im not getting "paid" for my time as AED of House Exar Kun because I had no resignation date. Thats due to the down sizing of the Clans to Houses. I had to step down of AED on 7/22/2010. Served from 4/15/2010 to 7/22/2010.
Send Howie an email!
Mmm, SHW Money.
Do we get any raises for the number of Dark Side Degrees we have?
Also, I think that my six months as BTL of ShadowMorph before Archanis was dissolved the first time was not counted. Went from Shadow morph in Archanis to Hyperion Flight in Ektrosis. I think that only my time with Ektrosis is being counted.
In the words of Howie:
"Send Howie an email!"
I'm gonna send Howie an email anyway, just for shits and giggles with a gif of pandas in it.
To answer the question, Dark Side Degrees do not pay in credits. They do increase your prestige, which has an impact on what you can buy with credits, however. (and it's a handy little e-peen measuring stick :P)
No resignation date for CNS PCON. And it tells me I was a BTL, but that's a lie.