Taldryan Aedile Report: Needs More Cowbell


Taldryan Aedile Report: Needs More Cowbell

Greetings Folks,

Just a quick report this time around, because there's a bigger announcement coming around after this which has much greater meaning for us, and some others in the DB. Anyways, right onto it.


Just a quick note on this, as it is entirely what the next big thing is all about… we've got a joint competition with CNS coming up. This is basically a three pronged competition, combining a Taldryan-wide runon, a fun event, and gaming. This isn't a feud type scenario, there's no winner between Taldryan and Naga Sadow in this. This is basically just a fun chance for both of us to work on Unit's personal stories, rekindling some of the age old antagonism between CNS and Tal, and a chance to keep our juices flowing in the downtime between the heavy load that is the crusades. I've worked extensively with leadership from CNS, Taldryan and the DC to get this competition series up and running, and I hope everyone involved enjoys it.

Space Bar, Bitches!


I'm going to keep harping on about this in reports, because I can tell you that Howie hasn't gotten nearly as many requests to help fix people's dossiers as he should have been. If you were in the DB before 2003 or were in a position when everyone Declanned, then you're going to need to look at your dossier history and try to figure out where the gaps in your history is.

None of us know to what extent credits are going to affect our lives in the Dark Brotherhood once possessions gets implemented, but I can tell you this for certain: Muz wouldn't have made it obvious to us that we should be repairing our history, unless he thought it was important, and if the Grand Master is handing out hints like this? We should take him at his word, and get in touch with Howie to help fix up our backstory. Tomorrow may be too late. If you have any questions, contact our local pandaphile Howie at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and tell him what positions/events you're missing from your history profile. You can find his most recent post detailing the process here

Space Bar, Bitches!


Well, the gates of hell have opened and sent forth their demon spawn to destroy us all. In a poll run on the forums concerning who we want to have interviewed next, in a close race between some of the Old Folks' Home's Finest, Tarax somehow won. Check back next week to see the in depth interview with Taldryan's favourite porn Sherpa, Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor.

Space Bar, Bitches!


Time's technically up to volunteer with Kazmir to help the continuing cleanup of the Taldryan Military Forces page, specifically focusing on the Taldryan Army, but I'm sure he'd be more than willing to take some late comers to the project. In Kaz's own words:

I'll be looking for newer members (DJK or under) to help me hammer out our ground forces as seen: http://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Taldryan_Army

Working on projects is a good way to earn yourself some promotion credits and get you a step closer to DJK (or EQ1) so feel free to drop me an email.

So yeah, shoot me an email (or hop on IRC and hang out with the rest of us) and CC Yacks and Rian so that we can get started on this!


Space Bar, Bitches!


The Dark Brotherhood saw a few notable appointments that I'd like to shed a little light on in this past week. Most notably is the elevation of Sith Battlemaster Montresor to the position of Quaestor of House Plagueis, and the appointment of his Aedile Dacien Victae. These men have been given the task of continuing the fine work Plagueis has been carrying out throughout the Crusades, and I hope you'll all join me in wishing them continued success.

Additionally, Arcona saw the appointment of their new Proconsul, Epis Legorii. Proconsul is often a thankless position, that has to work long hours and gets no credit while everyone pretends like Jac did all the work and gives him all the eternal glory and love. Err, yea. Either way Legz, congrats on your appointment, I'm sure you'll fill Wally's old shoes admirably.

Space Bar, Bitches!


While I would be loath to see anyone from Taldryan leave us, I'd also be remiss if I stood in the way of anyone's possible advancement in the DB. Along those lines, I'd like to pass on the announcement that the position of Quaestor within House Qel-Droma of Arcona is open.

House Qel-Droma is the more secretive House in Clan Arcona - the knife in the shadows to House Galeres militaristic fist. There is a lot of fictional background to the House still begging to be flushed out, and the membership base is a mixture of veteran and new faces eager to get involved with projects. This is a unique opportunity to help improve one of the most powerful units in the Brotherhood. It consists of two Battleteams; Void Squadron - Arcona's Stealth-X operators, and Shadow Gate - Arcona's covert op and investigation unit.

You can see what the Brotherhood expects of a Quaestor here

In your applications, we expect a tactical analysis on the house as it sits, as well as a 30-60-90 day strategic plan on how to take it to the next level. We want to know not only who you are and what you have done, but also what you intend to do and how you plan to accomplish those things. Do not waste time with sending us a list of recommendations- if we need to read someone's recommendation to change our minds about your application, you're doing it wrong ;).

Please send all applications to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Additionally, both Aedile positions within Clan Naga Sadow are open. Malik has said the following about applications for those:

As you can see the two Aedile positions in Naga Sadow are open for applications from the whole club.

The requirements are as follows:

  • Email turnaround time of no more than 48 hours.
  • IRC presence preferred.
  • Willing to learn the job.

If you’re unsure what an Aedile does I encourage you to read the QUA wiki article here, since the AED one is empty but the Aedile basically helps the QUA with the day to day running of the house.

Send your application to the Quaestor, myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Korras ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). The QUA of Marka Ragnos is Teu ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and the QUA of Shar Dakhan is Vexatus ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

The applications are open until Friday the 20th.

Space Bar, Bitches!


Couple reports to talk about from the DC here today. First is the Headmaster Report, found here a lot of news in this one, as well as a noteworthy milestone for Solari's tenure as Headmaster. Go read the report and pass on your congratulations for the milestone. Also, congrats to our own Talon Drear and Quejo for winning the lottery and netting a Scroll of Foundation for their efforts.

Next up is the Fist report. Some big news for those of us who play Mass Effect 3, Starcraft 2, TOR or Angry Birds: Star Wars in this report. Head on over to the site and read up, Val's doing a great job of trying to get gaming back to the fore in the DB. A quick note here: You can double dip with the SC2 Event and the Gaming even for our competition with CNS… just saying ;)

So Fucking Easy


  • Joint Competition Between CNS and Tal Incoming, More Soon!
  • Go fix your dossier history. Howie will help!
  • We apparently want to get to know Tarax better.
  • Taldryan Army revamp. Talk to Kazmir.
  • Congrats to Montresor, Dacien and Legorii on their promotion to House/Clan Summits.
  • QUA/Qel-Droma, AED/Shar Dakhan, AED/Marka Ragnos are open. Apply if you think you've got what it takes.
  • Woo, go 1000 Courses Passed. Solari rocks. Val rocks too, check out their reports on the mainpage.
  • Yacks is going to work on the meaning of a quick report. Promise.

That's it for now folks. Keep an eye out for a bigger announcement about the competition to come as soon as I finish writing it!

Oh so Sexy

I appreciated you, Yacko. I appreciated you....

All the dossier fixes!

I like dossier fixes. They be good.

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