

WHEREAS on this the Tenth Day of May, of the Two Thousand and Fourth year of the Dark Side, I Dark Adept Xanos Zorrixor Serpenti-Sadow, High Warrior of the Sith Order do hereby make the following proclamation.

AND WHEREAS the Dark Jedi known as Malik Sadow of Clan Naga Sadow has demonstrated the level of understanding, and the degree of commitment to his Clan to merit recognition.

THEREFORE with the blessing and approval of His Excellency, Master Corran Force, Master At Arms of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi, and His Highness, Lord Darth Firefox, Grand Master of the Brotherhood, I do hereby elevate Malik Sadow to the status of Sith Overlord.

May the Clan of Naga Sadow and the Order of the Sith recognize Overlord Malik Sadow with all Honor, Right and Responsibilities accorded to his status.

Signed and Sealed on this Day.

His Excellency,
Dark Adept Xanos Zorrixor Serpenti-Sadow
Sith High Warrior of the Dark Brotherhood

YAY!!!! Congrats my Danish buddy.

puts on a party hat
YAY again! Congratulations, Your Malness =)

woo! His Malness got promoted... congrats. :P

grabs a party head from Tiss Let's party! CSP pays the bills.

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