Greetings, Tarenti! It's time for a long over due report from your friendly, neighborhood Aedile. We'll be reviewing promotions, shinies awarded, and the Crusade. Even though there's been quite a few reports it's been a while since a list of these have been included. There's been a LOT of news lately so make sure you read below. Leadership is action, not position. ~Donald H. McGannon
*Frosty Romanae was appointed Battleteam Leader of our newest and currently most active battleteam: Knights of Tau Squadron. Awesome work! *Ernordeth Puer-Irae was appointed Wiki Docent for the Shadow Academy and Magistrate to the FIST for General Gaming. *Dranik was appointed Rollmaster of Tarentum! This was a hard decision, but due to his hard work lately and active prescence he was the best fit for our House. After this report his reports will include all the awards, courses passed and promotions. Congratulations, Dranik!
As I said it has been a long time since a list was included in a report. I know there are a few that will be missed and I apologize in advance. Please feel free to contact Scion, Dranik, or I about this.
Thank you Tarenti for all of your hard work. We saw a deflation in the amount of activity throughout the House. I'm not going to give you all a lecture on how important participation is for our future. However, we had roughly half the participation percentage we had in Chapter One of Phase Two with less members in our House. General Forces took third place and Special Forces took third place with Scion earning a 5th place placement for fiction, Anshar earning a 5th place placement for multimedia, and Dranik, Frosty, and Levathan taking fourth place in Alien Swarm. I understand that everyone's lives got busier. School started for some of you, a few of us are working new jobs, families having surgeries, others have normal life going on. Even our hard working Quaestor, though after the Crusade, is on Leave of Abscence until September 23th while he gets married and enjoys his honeymoon. It's important for us to take time to participate in what we can, even if it's only a few hours a week. This entire club has continued to stand the test of time, not only because of leadership, updates, amazing codemonkies and the like, but because of ACTIVITY. The entirity of what this organization is depends on all of our time.
We have several competitions within our House and Club for all of you to participate in!
I have an open door policy so big that my door has been removed. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, comments, jokes, complaints, or just need someone to talk to I am always here for you. I will personally be contacting all of you on a weekly basis to maintain open lines of communication, to ensure your goals are being reached, and to listen to your voice. Feel free to contact me on IRC or send an e-mail to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] , because I'm only a keyboard away.
Leadership is action, not position. ~Donald H. McGannon
Check out this picture filming the opening scroll of Episode V
His Honor,
DJK Ernordeth Puer-Irae (Sith) / M:FIST-AED-DOC / Tarentum [TOR] [GMRG: III] [ACC: CAN]
SC / AC / DC-CP / SN / BN / Cr-1S-1E-2T-4Q / PoB / CF-BlC / SI / LS-AgL / S:-16Rn
Aedile of Tarentum
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woo aedile reports :)
Sweet Report!