Greetings, Tarenti! It's time for my final report as your friendly, neighborhood Aedile. It has only been a short time since my last report, so there is not much to report activity wise. I would like to welcome back Scion, however! Congratulations, my friend!
Leaders don't create followers; they create more leaders. -Tom Peters
Tarentum we have had an amazing time together. When I was in the DB before Gladius and Tarentum were my homes. When I rejoined just 5 months ago I was glad to find it as my home again. I have worked hard to prove myself and to fuel our Growing Flame. I got to witness Tarentum Momentum in what I've heard is the best it's been in a long time. I got to witness many of you rise through the ranks, get appointed to new positions, and earn medals. We've seen several members return to our House including Karel, Frosty, Dox, Dranik, Demos and others. We saw our participation in the Crusade triple in our first chapter with me as your Aedile. I've had the privilege to be your Aedile for 98 days. I know you all have what it takes to continue the Tarentum Momentum and to eventually become Clan Tarentum once more. However, I will be leaving our House. I am joining House Qel-Droma as their new Quaestor. This means I will be a member of our ally Clan Arcona. I will miss Tarentum, but I won't be gone. This move will also be used to strengthen the alliance between Tarentum and Arcona. If you need to come to me I am still here and you will still see me on IRC. Good luck to all you do Tarentum and never let up!
Leaders don't create followers; they create more leaders. -Tom Peters
In Darkness We Trust,
DJK Ernordeth Puer-Irae (Sith) / M:FIST-AED-DOC / Tarentum [TOR] [GMRG: III] [ACC: CAN] SC / AC / DC-CP / SN / BN / Cr-1S-1E-2T-4Q / PoB / CF-BlC / SI / LS-AgL / S:-16Rn {SA: MVPH - DPE - DPV} #13560 Aedile of Tarentum
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