Insert obligatory five-page fiction here
Hello everyone,
Another month has passed. Time for another Seneschal Report.
In case you missed Muz's news post about this, Credits are coming, and you will be retroactively compensated for all stuff in the past, given that your history is all fixed up. If you haven't already, please make sure it is, as once implemented, we won't retroactively fix backpay.
Below is a list of most of the code checkins done to the site since my last report. This isn't an exhaustisve list, and does not contain code changes that haven't been deployed, notably those regarding the ACC (go Arion!). To summarize, here's the TLDR:
[James] Also save belongs_to association ids when manually editing a competition
[Arion] Voice gets DC permissions
[Arion] Tricking out Raken's dossier
[James] Add descriptions to departments and courses for department overview page for SA
[Arion] give everyone the link to view their credit history
[James] Drop credits from rosters
[James] 'Fix' credits showing up on dossiers
[James] Give MAA staff and superusers ability to view all credit reports
[James] Adding credit history report to live site, enables double-checking histories.
[James] Temporarily hide non-finalized credit amounts
[Arion] remove prestige_value class from credits display
[Arion] add delimited for prestige/credits; show credits on unit roster page
[James] Fix broken ID lines on dbb0t response
[James] Also bypass validation when manually creating an event
[James] Bypass validation on the correct record when manually editing events
[James] Fix event/competition type changing. Allow bypass of some validations when manually editing Award/TransferEvent
[Arion] remove dead files
[James] Fixing a typo
[James] Fix wrong units getting assigned
[James] Workaround for fixing history records where the target dossier has since been deleted
[James] Extend range on manual event date selectors; add script for fixing legacy events
[Arion] mass CoI rec for Sarin
[Arion] JacStat class; update position salary csv file to include Hand of Justice salaries
[Arion] attempt to clean up the majority of the Position events that are not tied properly to a position
[Arion] add table stripes to rogues list
[Arion] Rogue list can be sorted by ID, Name, and Email
[Arion] attempt to fix credit sorting not working
[Arion] update prestige ranking page to display credits, and be sortable by prestige or credits
[Arion] better display of position history that is not wired up correctly
[Arion] setting up credit history generation report
[Arion] setting up credit history generation
[Arion] function to calculate credit history for member
[James] Add win/loss viewer to gaming portal viewer; allow administering GamingCompetitions
[Arion] Add ability to filter in/out events on DJB History page
[Arion] fix and redesign the Dark Council roster page
[Arion] fix Dark Council roster page from breaking if there is no Unit Leader for a top-level Unit
[James] MAA staff can force prestige recalculation
[James] Give P:Fist and M:Fist CF approval ability back
[James] Ensure members can only change name through name change request
[James] Fix manual administration still saving event/competition even if validation fails
[Arion] Manual administration can now update member name
[Arion] do not break the news page if a QUA resigns
[Arion] GM/DGM/JST can manage all News posts instead of just their own
[James] Add warning about 48h cooldown on transfer request form
[James] Fix IDline colors for lighties
[James] Allow restricting robes, sabers and CS stuff by Path
[James] Finish up Manual Admin: Bulk+manual transfers; bulk awards
[Arion] remove Dark Crusade banner
[James] Add Pendants to CF digest mail
[James] Condense manual administration log entries
[James] Fix manually editing members getting contact stuff from logged in member's dossier
[James] Start on bulk award/transfer forms
[James] Add some more warnings to manual member administration
[James] Manual Member Editing
[James] Manual Competition Administration
[James] Allow JST to lock down admin functionality for a dossier
[James] Manual event administration
[James] Next round of CS tweaks
[James] Show pending notification count in favicon
[James] Add CS link to approval mail
[James] Start on manual administration section
[James] Make asset identifier regex more strict
[James] Add CS preview button; Require CS re-approval when Linguistics is lowered
[James] Yet another saber forms change
[James] CS: More lightsaber forms; show sheet preview at approval page
[James] Implement Assets system to store report headers and such
[James] Make sure GMRG rank calculation runs automatically
[James] Sign outgoing mail messages via DKIM
[James] Fix species not working
[James] Fixed tooltips acting weird on frontend CS pages
[James] Allow custom races; Separate feat selector by feat application type
[James] Add character sheet to Promotheus
[James] Various CS fixes
[James] Releasing Character Sheets
We still have a lot on our to-do list - here's a small teaser on what's either planned or being worked on:
Q: Mirado asks: Will there be a mobile Dark Brotherhood app in the future?
A: The new site was designed with mobile users in mind, so should respond to small(er) screen sizes pretty nicely. Due to this, I was more or less hoping making a separate app (which would have to be maintained separately as well) would not be necessary, as all areas of the site (save for the Character Sheet tool) should all work as intended through your phone/tablet's browser. That said, we're mostly testing the site on regular computers, so if you spot any issues on your phone, please let us know.
Q: Nero asks: Are you willing to take people and teach them how to help code the website?
A: Definitely, i'm always looking for help in the coding department. Some prior coding knowledge is required (for example from personal experience or by taking the SA's Savant in Programming, and I unfortunately don't have the time to guide people full-time, but I'm always willing to help in any way I can.
For example by giving pointers to some of the great Rails tutorials that are available on the Internet, by looking over some code, giving pointers on how to approach a certain problem, etc.
Due to credits coming up and being fair to staff members of my fellow Dark Councillors, I will, however, only take on members on my staff that are able to contribute on a regular basis in any way, which probably means after people have gained enough coding knowledge.
Q: Howie asks: How is the ACC coming along, young James?*
A: Arion's been doing his awesome thing, and the ACC's coding is actually done, and is being privately tested by a small group as we speak. Expect more news soon!
This is a new section, in which I try to highlight some neat tool or trick that makes your life easier. This month: Pandoc. Pandoc is a tool that allows you to convert marked up documents into marked up documents, in different formats. Long story short, if you want to convert Markdown into Wiki code, Wiki code into HTML, Markdown to PDF, Wiki code to .doc, or any other combination, Pandoc is your tool. They even have an online version you can use to quickly convert stuff on the fly!
So, lots of updates to the site, and even more to come. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to either e-mail me personally, or have a look at the Forum.
James L. Entar
Seneschal of the Brotherhood
You need to be logged in to post comments and your entire staff is amazing. Words cannot express my (and I'm sure everyone's) gratitude. It's never ending work that we all need to be done. Thank you
ACC coding done?!
GLS for Jam3z and Arion?
The DJB App could just serve up push notifications... I'm imagining being alerted to awesome new SCL reports ;)
I think a website that's mobile-friendly is all we need. Maybe a notification setting so we can get an e-mail when there's a new news post or something?
For notifications, you should be able to point most RSS readers (for example Feedly) to the site's RSS feed. That way, people can use their client of choice, and we don't have to develop an app for several different mobile platforms ;)
I think we've got a pretty fine mobile side of it so far jimmy. If Howie can approve CIs on his iphone while waiting in line for beer, it can't be that bad :P
A mobile app is required.
Here are a few areas I've seen that hasn't worked on cellphone
Character sheets Banners Lightsaber tool Shadow academy pulldown for each hall (can only use the all subjects link, not each specific hall) No games for cellphone Broken links to wiki, forums, competitions Long loadtime to read news article
Sorry, it didn't put spaces between each concern
Character sheets - Banners - Lightsaber tool - Shadow academy pulldown for each hall (can only use the all subjects link, not each specific hall) - No games for cellphone - Broken links to wiki, forums, competitions - Long loadtime to read news article
That link to the exam wiki page is broken.
Brimstone, of all the things you mentioned not working on a cellphone only the character sheets tool seems to be an issue as James said. The forum and wiki links are correct and work fine, the competition center works like it should, SA dropdown works perfectly, banners show up like they should and news articles load up instantly, if they don't for you then the problem is more your connection than the DB site.
And yes, I just tested all those things on my phone.
I agree that a mobile app is not required. Jame's suggestion on using an RSS feed is brilliant- and it could be a good topic for a short SA Course on "How to use RSS feeds". Seabas: all of those things are able to be edited and tweaked as the site progresses. From what I understand of ruby, and how the site seems to handle on mobile already, I think that just continuing to improve on what we have here is better for this sort of thing.
A Course for how to use RSS Feeds? I think a link to and a search for how to use RSS feeds might be more than sufficient. Seriously, we don't need to have an SA course for every..little..thing..
Also, yea, Mobile App? Not worth development time.
Now if we were able to develop our own little game (like I've heard mention of some people wanting to) it'd be great to have as an app that tries to lead people to here. But that's separate
I noticed that my two terms as Quaestor are counted separately. Are they awarded at different rates?
Out of curiousity...are AEDs all being treated as AEDs and QUAs as QUAs? Or is there a differential between an Independent House and a Sub-Unit House?
So far as I know, and correct me if I'm wrong here Jimmy/Arion, but I think basically the design plan between Subunit QUA and IU QUA? If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it's a duck :P (ie: No difference)
Yacks is correct. A QUA is a QUA is a QUA.
mm, never get tired of hearing that. Say it again Arion.
Except for the purposes of medal awarding and promotions. :P
That's what I gathered. Just checking, thanks all :)
Also, ohh didn't realize we had an RSS feed :P But where did my Google Reader go? lmao
Brim - regarding the no games for smart phones. I mentioned in my beginning of September Report and mid September Report that we currently have a Competition running for Angry Birds Star Wars (the Free version, no purchase necessary) and just by participating in it you get some CFs. This is a Monthly thing we're looking at doing, but changing up the App each month most likely.
I just checked the submission list and I don't see you in there yet, so you may have missed the news on it or are just still working to get a crazy high score :)