Taldryan Aedile Report: Boom goes the Dynamite


Taldryan Aedile Report: Boom goes the Dynamite

Greetings Folks,

Welcome to your (least) favourite time of week again, the Aedile Report. This week's is a continuation of the special editions of Get to Know a Tally Reports, featuring none other than Tarax. But before we get to that, just a few tidbits (short, I promise!) from around the DB.

Space Bar, Bitches!

Headlines that you Need to Know

  • Darth Clogs is Quitting
  • Howie Gets and AK, and is Still Doing Dossier Fixes
  • Sins of Our Fathers Competition Ongoing, Do the Things!
  • New Gaming & Fiction Comps from Fist/Voice
  • Tarentum is taking Applications for Aedile
  • Get to Know a Tarax!

Space Bar, Bitches!

Darth Clogs is Quitting

If you've somehow missed the news, Korras, our long serving/suffering Master At Arms/Chief Medal & Promo bot has finally had enough of our bullshit, and is stepping down from his position on the Dark Council. Korras has been a stalwart DCer for a long ass time, and I'm sure I can speak for all of Taldryan when I say thank you Korras for all your hard work over the years, and congrats on being appointed a Sith Lord as a parting gift. Well done.

Space Bar, Bitches!

Howie Gets and AK, and is Still Doing Dossier Fixes

Good ole Howie. For the work he's done in under 3 months, harrying, harassing, and helping our Korras, Howie was awarded an Amethyst Kukri, so well done to him. Also, in case you have been living in an igloo, he's still doing dossier fixes for people who ask. Link can be found here.

Space Bar, Bitches!

Sins of Our Fathers Competition

This is still ongoing, obviously, and will be for a little over a week. Our runon's started off, and the propaganda and gaming events are still running as well. Head on over to the news post here for more information.

Space Bar, Bitches!

Gaming & Fiction Competitions

The Fist and Voice staff are continuing their fine work in generating new activities for us to participate in, four gaming competitions are currently going on involving Pazaak Mass Effect 3, Star Wars Angry Birds, and Starcraft II.

The Voice has also released a GTA V inspired competition that lets you plan a kickass heist, in the DBverse that you can get details on here

Space Bar, Bitches!

Aedile Positions Open for Applications

I want to toss out a big congratulations to Ernordeth Puer-Irae, formerly of Tarentum for his appointment to the position of House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona. Ernor's been a steadily rising star within the DB, and I'm sure we'll continue to see great things from him.

Sadly for Tarentum though, this means that the position of Aedile there has become vacant. Quaestor Scion Altera has opened this process to application, and you may find his news post concerning this here

Space Bar, Bitches!

Dark Council Reports

Busy Week on the DC front, but I hope everyone takes the time to catch up on the news from these guys.

  • The Big Man himself lets us know what's going on, From Grand Master Muzzles himself, the GM Report
  • For Fictional Revelations of Vocational Variety, The Voice Report from Sarin, AKA Darth Pravus
  • For News on the Technical Side of the DB and it's websites, Codemonkey Jimmy with the Seneschal Report
  • And finally, Darth Clog's Farewell MAA Report/Newspost

Space Bar, Bitches!

And now ladies and gentlemen, the feature event of tonight's report. As voted by you, and whatever other interlopers invaded our message boards, temporarily voted the most interesting man in Taldryan, an interview with our very own Tarax Eosphoros Taldrya Kor.

Yacks: Thanks for sitting down with me today to answer some questions about yourself in September's Edition of Get to Know a Tally. You recently passed your 10 year mark in the DB, what has made you stay in the DB all this time?

Tarax: Insanity as well as the friendships I’ve established with a select group of people. But mostly just insanity; there’s something mentally unhealthy about playing pretend Dark Jedi for so damned long.

Y: Now, anyone who knows you on IRC knows of your reputation (well earned) as the DB's foremost Porn Sherpa, supplying boobs and naughty bits for all. Is the real Tarax a porn addict or does he just play one on IRC?

T: I perform a public service for Taldryan, free of charge. That public service happens to be sexy, filled with boobs and other naughty bits, and generally raises the moral of those in #taldryan at the time. Everyone has their part to play in making their unit work, this just happens to be my part.

Y: You didn’t answer the question.

T: No I didn’t, did I? Here’s some tits and ass.

Y: You've been given multiple nicknames over your time in the Dark Brotherhood, could you explain their origins?

T: “Pole” started out as a private joke between Kaek and me to describe my tall, lanky physique, and pretty soon it caught on amongst most of Taldryan and a few others. That nickname is a term of endearment, and I hate those that use it without earning the right to do so.

Y: You’ve gained another nickname recently…

T: Yeah. It turns out that people in the DB believe I fall under a certain category. I guarantee you that those people haven’t ever actually met anyone who truly falls under such a category, so they label me as such instead. I’m a harmless kitten compared to the real thing, but the name’s already stuck. It’s annoying, but what can you do?

Y: If you could pick one moment in the DB that you would consider your "lowest" point, what would it be and why?

T: Just before I moved into Taldryan I was in Plagueis, and at the time was when the whole furry culture ran rampant amongst its members. It was disgusting.

Y: _Is there a particular Brotherhood moment or action that you are particularly proud of? _

T: When I got named Taldrya was one of my proudest moments in this club. Aside from busting my ass as Aedile of Dinaari for almost two years, I felt really at home within the Clan, and being given that honorific showed me that my hard work and dedication weren’t going unnoticed.

Y: Do you have a favourite part of the Brotherhood, if so - what is it?

T: It used to be FF Bespin CTF, but seeing how that’s not really a thing anymore…I have a weird appreciation for the ACC. I feel like a filthy Krath.

Y: Grand Master Jac Cotelin: Great Grand Master, or Greatest Grand Master?

T: Why not both? Great Greatest GM.

Y: Finally, and perhaps the most important question of all. On a scale of 1 to 10, just how much do you hate wearing pants?

T: Pretty close to 10, but with Shad being around again…better some protection than none at all.

Y: Excellent. Thanks for participating in this month's edition of Get to Know a Tally, Tarax.

So Fucking Easy

And… boom goes the dynamite, the report's done. Keep kicking ass guys, and remember, don't take candy from strangers.

Oh so Sexy

Always forget something. Bubbsy also got promoted to KPN, which was a long overdue, and much deserved promotion for one of the most dedicated members that Taldryan, and the DB has ever seen. <3 ya Bubbsy :)

Congrats on the promo! KPN is commendable for anyone. To have earned it while not in an official leadership role is extremely impressive. Awesome, Bubbles!

Awesome report, Yacks! Congrats Bubba!

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