"Come get some." - Ash
As we approach the final chapter of the Dark Crusade here are the current standings:
Plagueis - Nfolgai, Khar Delba, Ch'hodos, Athiss (4)
Arcona - Rhelg, Bhargebba, Svolten, Kalsunor (4)
Taldryan - Krayis II, Ashas Ree, Jaguada (3)
Scholae Palatinae - Korriz (1)
As previously mentioned, winning the most planets wins the Crusade. If there's a tie between units in number of planets won, we will average those units' participation ratios from the entire Crusade (located in all the results reports) to find best overall average participation. So once again, participation by everyone (Special Forces and General Forces alike) is important and not just for Fleet Points.
Also, as Muzenstein has mentioned many times, for those units that win planets there will be nice little fictional bonuses attached to them: resources, dark side goodies, etc. Post-Crusade we'll put out a list of which planets offer what sort of goods.
Who's won the most Novae? Who has the most Golds? How far out are you from the Top 25? Compare yourself to your friends, peers, and enemies alike with the Leader Board.
Updated DJB Dark Crusade Leader Board
*Updated through Phase Two, Chapter Two.
Leaders: If you see any missing Novae, let us know via email and we'll work it out.
Note: The Board only tracks Novae earned from the Dark Crusade proper. The prologue run-on wasn't included.
Thank the Maker...
I know, I know. It was grueling. There were too many events. Too few. Too many details. Not enough. We used acronyms. Trust me, just like you, there were things I liked and didn't like about this Vendetta. It was ambitious, unprecedented, and you all have done great with it despite everything. Try to remember that it is not the new model for Vendettas or anything of the sort. If I get my way, it will never be done again. But like everything else we've ever done here, there was good and there was bad and there were lessons to be learned.
Remember your Novae. I think everyone in the club earned like 20. Remember your special campaign ribbon dossier thingies. Remember that you were part of something that has never been done before nor will be attempted again. Strategy and tactics came into play for the first time in Vendetta history. The gamesmanship there was really fun to watch.
What else? Uh, remember that it was free! Yeah. And if all else fails, remember that if you ever meet me in real life, I will buy you a cup of coffee on me. I've done it before. I'll do it again. Oh, remember this too...
It's almost over.
So what we're potentially looking at for the final chapter is this...
Four events total:
Light writing. A quick and easy competition. An "energy creating" competition (as Jac likes to say). And obligatory gaming.
Sound good?
We're going to cap this thing off nice and easy like. But that doesn't mean don't show up. In fact, you need to show up and play now like never before. Remember a few things here:
Averaged participation will break any ties. Some of you are really, really close in averages. So if you and your arch-rival are even or close to even on planets, time to beat the war drums and get your general forces energized and engaged on this thing. They might just make the difference for some of you.
There are special prizes on the line if you hit a 1.0 participation ratio or higher. Could be robes, could be sabers, could be both, could be something crazy. Muz's department. And he is currently knee-deep in the Possessions system so Lucas-only-knows what he might come up with for you.
Analyze your enemies. Come up with some strategy, or more appropriately, Strategery. Talk about how dumb the Dark Council is. Complain about that Raken guy and how bad he sucks. But above all, have fun. Just get together with your friends and have as good a time as you can. Close it out on a positive note and look forward to the coming months of building up your units and, by extension, your friends.
Xen'Mordin Vismorsus, Scholae Palatinae Quaestor - Sapphire Blade
Xen'Mordin has been an impressive leader on many fronts as Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae. Speaking of fronts, how about leading from the front? This is a man who has garnered seven Novae during the Dark Crusade, three of which are Gold from the latest round, and is continually setting the standard of competitiveness for his members.
Vendetta performance aside, I have been even more impressed with Xen's easy-going nature that only enhances my ability to work with him. The two of us have spoken quite a bit over the last year and while Xen is passionate regarding his House and the issues, he is always professional. Moreover, he is helpful and courteous to members outside his unit, highly responsive to items Muz or I need from Scholae Palatinae, and all-around just a really mature individual who is a pleasure to work with.
Xen doesn't yet have a Sacramental award. I'm proud and honored to be among the fine members to recommend his first one.
Well done, Xen. Thank you for everything you do on behalf of the Brotherhood.
To date, we have four pretty nice volumes in our DJB comic book collection. They were originally accessible only during the live events to which they corresponded and helped to tell the stories of the various Great Jedi Wars and other major Vendettas in the club. What we've done is collected and packaged them into the neat little books you'll find below in the newly created Dark Jedi Brotherhood Comic Book Archive.
These books represent some of the Brotherhood's exciting past in living color. But what's more important is what they represent for our future. Muz and I would like to continue this tradition with an eye towards advertising, recruitment, and new member indoctrination. One day we hope to be able to steer new members to an entire catalog of back-issues that will help walk them through the club's fictional history right up to present day.
The books can be viewed online or downloaded as a .pdf file for offline reading. They work on your phone or tablet as well so take them with you on the go. There are several different options to play with for viewing, etc., so try them out and let me know what you think. I can adjust things as needed.
Thanks to Muz and the other great artists who did these up for us. Also big thanks to James for helping me get the archive set up. Love that dude.
Also, stay tuned for spoilers from the upcoming Great Jedi War XI Comic Book. Who knows? Maybe your character will make an appearance? And as Muzenstein mentioned in his report, one of the artists we're talking to has done work on official Star Wars comics in the past. Pretty cool in my humble opinion.
Anyway, here's the archive...
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Comic Book Archive
On the subject of comic books...
I've been catching up on a few old ones Legacy and a few new ones Dawn of the Jedi.
Most recently, Dawn of the Jedi Volumes 1 & 2.
I want to like this series. While the historical period covered is interesting, it hasn't executed as well as I hoped so far. In Volume 2 things don't really improve, but I suppose it'll take some time yet to draw me in. There's a lot of possibility here though.
The Story
It is 36,453 years before the Battle of Yavin. We're exploring a time before the Jedi Order, before the Republic, before virtually anything recorded in Star Wars canon. That alone is enough to get most to pick this up and give it a try, but where do the authors ground the story on such a huge canvas?
In the first issues the authors quickly establish the apparent origins of what is not necessarily the Force, but sentient beings' ability to access and understand it. Several worlds are visited by Tho Yors (giant, pyramidal ship-temples) that traverse the galaxy searching for and collecting enlightened beings. Once aboard, the Tho Yors bring their occupants to a world you may have heard of...Tython.
From here, the DVD player is set to fast-forward and the various races learn about the Force and practice mastery over it. Eventually, inevitably, there is a falling out between those who can touch the Force and those who cannot. The two groups go their separate ways.
Once this background is established, basically the story turns to follow a group of young "Je'daii" (interesting similarity to the Yuuzhan Vong word, Jeedai) and their sudden and unpleasant run-in with a "Force Hound" from the Rakatan Infinte Empire. The Rakatan Force Hounds seek out and fix the locations of, you guessed it, planets strong in the Force. The Rakata then exploit this energy to power everything in their empire from vessels to weapons. And here is where the two cultures clash as the Je'daii soon learn that their swords, or "dead blades," are no match for the Rakatan "Force Sabers."
Meanwhile, an exiled Je'daii seeks to raise an army and wield this new weapon himself...
The Characters
Xesh, Force Hound, Infinite Empire - Human. Perhaps the most interesting character in the book so far. Xesh begins his journey as a slave to the Rakata but after meeting the Je'daii, takes tentative steps towards becoming his own man. The trip takes a detour though when he links up with Daegen Lok who has his own plans for the former Force Hound.
Trill, Force Hound, Infinite Empire - Exotic humanoid. Raised with Xesh as a slave and acted as his protector for a time. Her relationship with Xesh is one of the few interesting interpersonal dynamics thus far in the series. She is a bad girl and I look forward to her eventual rocky reunion with Xesh.
Daegen Lok, Exiled Je'daii - Human (aren't they all?) who explores the potential of the dark side while imprisoned on the moon Bogan. A little name-origin happening here. I liked him better when he first appeared as the disheveled recluse spouting crazy talk about the dark side of the force. In later issues we see him clean up both his garb and demeanor into something resembling an eccentric pirate. Loss of man-points.
Sek'nos, Je'daii - Hot-headed Pureblood (before it was cool!). Flat. Uninteresting.
There are several more characters I'll get to in my next review, but for now, these are most of the main figures.
The Bottom Line
It's not great. It is a comic book after all and it obviously needs more time to develop. The characters, save for perhaps Xesh, are your typically flat comic books heroes. But if you're a fan of the lore, the canon timeline, you will be content with this series just for the unexplored territory it treks into with every issue. Not a bad value bundled into volumes on your favorite tablet.
"Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
See you out there,
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Wooooooooooooo Xen!
Go Go Gadget Xen! Congrats, dude.
Grats Xen!
Also, yay Blade Runner.
Congrats Xen!
Congratulations and well deserved Xen!
Congrats Xen! You deserve it for all the hard work you've done! Congrats!
Congratulations Xen! On the other side, yay about the comics, I've been trying to look for them since I came back and finally I can access them!
Congratulations Xen!
Congrats Xen, and a very interesting report, can't wait for the next one :)
Congrats Xen!
(And for those like Rosh trying to find the comics: https://digital.darkhorse.com/browse/brand/1/ look no further than the interwebz)
I think he meant the DB ones Goat :P
Well now I just feel stupid. Thank you Malik, go and die or something :P