Hello there Scholae Palatinae! Its time for another QUA report. Got a few things to cover but I'll try to make it pretty quick. I know I've been pretty busy playing GTA V doing things and I hope you all have been doing things as well.
DB Wide
On the whole club front, we've been enjoying a bit of a down spell before the upcoming final round of the Crusade in November. Raken's most recent DGM report touched on this with the news that there will be 4 competitions for the final round: A Light Writing, A quick and easy thing, an "energy creating" competition, and some form of gaming. As a reminder we actually won on Korriz last round, so gear up to hit hard in November. There will be more on this as we get closer.
Also on the whole club front, Korras (Now Darth Aeternus!) has resigned his position of MAA after over 1300 days of service. I want to take a moment to thank him for his stellar work on the DC. Replacing him as MAA is Kalen ("Arion") Aquillarum. Arion of course has been one of the major coders in getting this new site up and running. I know he is going to be a kickass MAA, and I want to wish him all the luck in this position.
House Front
Given how stressful this year has been with the Crusade, the last month has been a nice reprieve from trying to win in major DB wide fashion. We've had a handful of lovely house level competitions that I've seen get some good participation. However now we do have a "mini"-House event, the first of several that will focus in on different planets in the Cocytus System. This first round of the Looking Home Campaign has kicked off, mainly thanks to Evant being a boss, and focuses on Ptolomea. You all should have seen the email sent by him at the start of this earlier in the week. You have until the 7th of October to get those submissions in. Importantly, several of these competitions will be worked into the official fictional set up of the house.
So what are the events? Well you are in luck, the four events are as follows:
New Senator: Create a new senator that will follow our House's instructions and plans for the planet. This one is being run by myself, and the winner will be worked in as NPC for the house. Make sure to hit some basic physical descriptors as well as a history.
Out with the Old: The sitting ruler of Ptolomea has become too bold in our absence during the crusade and must be removed from power. How you do this is your choice. Min 500 word fiction.
Sensing Surroundings: Write a prompt about the five senses and gathering intelligence on Ptolomea. Specifically this is to give practice writing/thinking about the location and setting in your fictions, which is something that is always good to work on.
Poetic Phoenix of Ptolomea: This is a poem event, needing a minimum of 24 lines of grammatically correct poetry. The poem is suppose to be about any aspect of the planet so that can range from the planet itself, to the cities to the people who worked and served in Caliburnus there. Dante is judging this one (and he does love his poetry), so rhyming along with content will be weighed heavily in judging it.
None of these should be particularly difficult to finish, and all provide an excellent chance to win some crescents. To our journeymen, I want to remind you that the later ranks approaching DJK have options of having participated in many competitions (counted from the whole time you've been in the club) and that to move from JH to DJK requires at least 15 total participated competitions. These all count, as do any events in vendettas, such as the crusade. To our older members, I want to remind you that it is always good to see you guys are actually still around, and it gives a good example to our newer members when you participate! There, guilt trip over.
Like last month, I get to once again highlight an Equite Promotion, with Eetherbiail making it to EQ1 and the rank of Sith Warrior! This promotion was very well earned so if you didn't say congratulations on the announcement email, you should do so now. It is always very exciting to see these promotions go in.
I also want to congratulate lucyeth, currently our sole PRT, who since joining earlier in the month not only already made it to PRT, but earned a DC for taking a bunch of SA exams, and has also already placed second in a house fiction event! Awesome work for doing so much this last month!
Welp, that wraps up another QUA report. I hope you all are excited about how well we did this last round of the Crusade, and are gearing up to do even better in the last round.
For the Empire!
Xen'Mordin Vismorsus
Quaestor of Scholae Palatinae
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