So September has come and gone and with it we've processed those old competitions, passing out shiny Crescents to the winners. The Monthly Mobile Gaming Competition was even more popular than I had expected, brining in a total of 19 submissions, enjoy those upgraded Crescents winners! Competition was fierce, with less than a 500 point spread between 1st Place and 5th Place. Check out all the placement below, as well as the most recent individuals to earn a Pendant of Blood
For anyone unsure how to earn a Pendant of Blood, the medal goes to the person with the best win/loss record for a given week (Sunday to Saturday) of PVP gaming. The Pendant is only awarded if participation reaches a minimum of ten members and the winner has to have played at least 10 matches. If the criteria aren't met, the PoB timeframe is extended another week.
First is a Pazaak competition. The individual with the most wins in Pazaak over the course of October will be the winner.
Next we have a TOR Space Combat Competition. Don't worry, she'll hold together... is based on finishing one of the TOR Space Missions by the skin of your teeth. The winner will be the person who's ship has the closest to zero Health remaining. This was designed so that even characters who just got their starship (around level 17, when you complete your 2nd Planet's Storyline) can compete. No need for epic raid lootz to win here!
Finally, I think we can say the Monthly Mobile Gaming in September was a success, so we'll be featuring one of these competitions each month from here out. Participation in these will also earn you 5 CFs, just like last month. For October we've got Zombie Highway. The winner will be the person who makes it the farthest on the "Classic" level.
Finally the Mass Effect 3 Competition is still running out there. So if you'd like to game it up feel go hop on and find a buddy to run some missions with. Mass Effect 3 is supported on all game systems, and you can find a list of other member's IDs by following this link to the forums.
So... what do you all want for the last round of the Dark Crusade as far as Gaming goes? Are you interested in a twist on the standard Duel / PVP based Competitions? Would you rather see something more Cooperative like Alien Swarm? Maybe even an event you can participate in individually? Perhaps something that's none of the above? Now's your chance to voice your opinion, go submit an entry to the Fist Dark Crusade Gaming Poll. Its all anonymous, but please only vote once.
There was a big TOR patch, it was pretty sweet. I should be playing it, but am writing this report instead.
Blizzard announced that Diablo 3 will be getting an expansion sometime in 2013. When it comes out I'm going to make a Crusader and slay demons with my firey balls (which are attached to mace... perverts...)
I posted some more in depth News about both of these things here if you'd like to check it out.
I've seen alot of talk and questions float about GTA V lately. We'll be getting a competition of some kind out that's related to GTA V in the next week or two. Keep your eyes peeled for a News Post when it goes active.
I've been talking about this in one way or another for a few reports now. Its nearing completion. Just a few final tweaks to work out, this will definitely be live prior to the Final Crusade Round, I'm targeting by the end of October.
That's all for this report folks, just a quick information blast. Happy gaming!
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Please no more Alien Swarm, worst hour in my life trying to complete that level :P
I helped!
Another awesome report Val, keep em comming!
Great report Val!