October 9th 2013
First off, I would like everyone to take a moment to go look at the news page as there might be some things that I miss...done that?
First piece of big news, Shikyo stepped down as Herald and was awarded a Diamond Sword for his service. He has contributed a lot in his time in the DB and within Clan Naga Sadow. Congratulations Shikyo and thank you for your awesome work!
Secondly, there is going to be a new position opened up. Tribune: Recruitment. Muz posted a new post on the website, you have until Oct 12th to get your application in if you feel that you can do the requirements of the job. If you get it you can still remain within the House :D
We recently finished, ie in the last day, our feud with Taldryan. We had a decent turn out for the run on, we won first place in that event. I would like to say great job to those that participated Arrik, Var, Rosh, Crysall, Maelous, and Rand you all have shown the awesomeness it is to be in the Clan and gives me pleasure of being your Quaestor.
Secondly, the Battleteam Leader Maelous was promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight! It was a well earned promotion and I cant wait to see what he continues to do. Great job!
Thirdly, Rosh was awarded with an Amethyst Kukri for his work in the Shadow Academy. I would like to say congratulation for this awesome medal. It was well deserved. Rosh is also now the Aedile of the House. So welcome aboard to summit again Rosh!
Rand al'Thor has earned his first Dark Cross! Awesome job! Welcome to House Marka Ragnos.
We’ve also had a minor reorganization within the internal workings of the House. I’ve appointed Vaar as the Flight Leader of Scepter of Ragnos. As well as adding several members to the roster, I cant wait to see what this new awesome team will do in the future!
-Cluster of Fire x6
-Antien Cross
-Crescent with Ruby Star
-Dark Cross
-Cluster of Fire x28
-Crescent with Topaz Star
-Promoted from JH to DJK
-Dark Maven Philosophy earned
-Legion of Scholar
-Krath Core Passed
-Sith Core Passed
-Leadership Studies Passed
-Crescent Emerald Star
-Crescent Ruby Star
Rosh Nyine:
-Dark Cross
-Amethyst Kurki
-Cluster of Fire x49
-Crescent of Sapphire Star
-Crescent of Quartz Star
-Crescent of Ruby Star
Vaar Mai:
-Legion of Scholar x2
-Cluster of Fire x18
-Crescent Sapphire Star
-Philosophy II Cults passed
-Poetry Studies passed
-Dark Cross Earned
-Transfered into CNS/HMR
-Promoted from APP - PRT
-Taken all Journeymen Hall Courses
-Dark Pundit Essentials, Vendetta
-DB Basics Passed
-Grammar Studies Passed
-Krath Core
-Cryptography 101
-ACC Basics
-Wiki Basics
-Sith Core
-Cluster of Fire x6
-Crescent with Amethyst Star
I know this is a short report this time around, I promise next time will have more. The Summit is currently taking a long look at the Clans Lore, which will have an impact on the House so we will be steadily working on that! I will have some comps out this week to help you guys pass the time!
So, overall I am very happy with the activity of the house. It is getting better and better each day. This is amazing and I cant say how proud I am of each of you. You guys are awesome and continue to be so. I am impressed beyond any words that I can express. Lets keep it up and go into the final round of the crusade in November with the same amount of awesome! For Shadow.
I think this is long enough. So, as always, if you need me just hit me up on IRC or in email, this is my way of saying I have an open door policy. Do not be afraid to talk to me if you need me. Im here for you, for without you I do not have a job ^.^
Signed, Teu
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Congrats to Maelous for reaching DJK, Vaar for coming back to the summit, Rand for his DC and everyone in general for the nice work in the vendetta! I hope you'll keep your activity levels as they are so I have something to write for my first report! I'm eager to see what HMR can accomplish with all of us working as a team. By the way, impressive work in the runon!!