Blackened Fingertips and Tired Eyes - Applications for Dark Councilor


Blackened Fingertips and Tired Eyes - Applications for Dark Councilor

"I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything." -- Nikola Tesla

With the end of Shikyo's record-breaking term, I find myself in need of yet another Dark Councilor. The duties of the Herald seem relatively straightforward on the tin, but it is in fact much more complicated than that. Warbanners, robes, lightsabers, these are the basics of what is done there. There is a full slate of projects ready for hands willing to do the work. And those with enough of a creative bent to get the work done will be creative enough (and masochist enough) to come up with more as we go.

This is a Dark Council position, so it's not just doing pretty pictures. There is a genuine need for the person to be mature enough to handle people, handle criticism and have a thick skin at times. You're going to have to work with the rest of the Dark Council to get work done, to help build the brotherhood up. You have to be present, active, and able to deliver on your promises. You need to be able to sidestep drama and ignore the nonconstructive criticisms. You need to recognize that the Dark Council is your clan now, and be above the little politics that can sometimes cripple our ability to get things done. You are going to need to have gotten a + in 'plays well with others'.

You're going to be working pretty constantly with me, and that competition between us will make me better, and it'll make you better ...or make you regret ever applying. There'll be utterly frustrating times as we try to get the place looking good, but it will be worth it in the end.

You're going to be presented with huge projects, ways to make a huge mark on the club and earn pretty righteous medals and promotions. You're going to see things years before they release, working on them deep in the backlog. You'll need to know how to keep secrets. You're going to need an eye for detail and a creative side, capable of taking things from inside your brain and realizing them in pixels.

I don't need or want a 30-60-90 day plan. Don't bother with recommendations: the only one that matters is mine.

I need to know what you're bringing to the table, why I need to hire you. Why I can trust you. How you hold your word. What makes you want to sign up for this masochistic position. I need to know that when something goes south, that you're not going to cash in the chips, but instead buckle down and get it done. That you are capable of blaming yourself and working so that you do not repeat mistakes.

Since this is the Herald position, some links to your past work may not be amiss, either.

This is a real job, mark my words. It's real work, the hours are long, and the pay is in your own heart and the gratitude of your brethren.

Can you cut it?

Send Raken and I your application by 2359 EST on the 16th of October. It's short notice, but if you're serious, you can do it.


Additionally and related, I am aware that most folks do not have the training in all of the programs that the Herald's office has used for the last 8 years (CorelDraw and PhotoShop). I am going to be holding some workshops through the power of G+ hangouts (complete with Screenshare) to those who are really interested in learning how to work them. If you are interested in the limited slots I will have available for these, send myself and Solari and email with 'HRLD Classes' in the topic line.

Thank you.


Good luck to all the peoples!

Woo graphicsmonkey!

just suggestion, could it be possible to record the G+ classes so they can be offered on a more regular basis?

That would be phenominal. The next few days are a little hectic for me, but I should be good by the time this gets started. FRAPS is a good program, but there are many out there.

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