Fist Report #7 (New ROC & Poll)


Fist Report #7 (New ROC & Poll)

Fist of the Brotherhood Report #7

POLL! The Dark Crusade Final Round

I mentioned this in my last Report, but have only gotten a handful of responses so far. This is your chance to tell me what you'd like to see for Gaming in the Final Round of the Dark Crusade, go submit an entry to the Fist Dark Crusade Gaming Poll. Its all anonymous, but please only vote once. This poll will remain open until October 27th.

Rites of Combat 2.0 released!

That's right, we've got an updated Rites of Combat that went live today. The Fist Staff has focused on simplifying this document, and organizing it more logically. Hopefully when you look it over it feels less like a manifesto and more like a outline for gaming. There are actually three distinct pages for the Rites of Combat on the wiki now, I'll link each and give a short explanation:

  • Rites of Combat: This page gives your general overview of gaming which applies to all platforms. The criteria for all Duels, Team Matches, FFAs, etc are explained on this page. Gone are the days of trying to remember "For JA its first to three wins the match, but for Pazaak its first to five wins for the match". There's one standard for the 1v1 matches now, and its listed on this page.

  • Tier 1 Gaming Platforms: These are the popular platforms that members enjoy on either a regular basis, and we've seen often played during Vendetta Events. This page will cover rules specific to each of the platforms. There's no regurgitation of rules from the main Rites of Combat page. We've included a few mandatory genre's of games in this list, specifically at least one First Person Shooter, one Real Time Strategy Game, and one Space/Flight Sim game will always be included. Additional games may be added or removed at the discretion of the Fist. If a game is routinely showing up on the Gaming Activity Records, expect it to appear on this list before too long.

  • Tier 2 Gaming Platforms: These are platforms which are still supported by the club, but have fallen out of the spotlight with members or have a very small group of people playing them. All of them continue to grant CFs for playing, but these games don't count towards Vendetta Event Competitions unless the Event specifically states otherwise.

I'm sure there's people out there raising an eyebrow at the new limitation for Vendetta games. This was implemented so when a new member joins they don't run off and purchase a game that people don't play on a regular basis thinking they'll find matches often with it. I wanted the ROC to not only establish rules, but also to guide inexperienced members towards the platforms which people are playing on a relatively regular basis.

Star Wars The Old Republic MMO

First, the SWTOR wiki page has been updated to include a list of all current Officers and their characters in game. For new TOR players looking to get an invite to the Guild, you've now got a complete list of who can help you out (or who to stalk on IRC).

Second, we've all seen the amazing news coming out on the Galactic Starfighter project that the TOR folks have releasing soon. There was a ton of excitement and comments when Yack's News Post came out mere hours after the announcement by Bioware! I can venture a guess at one bearded Taldrya who will be playing it as soon as he can. Some of you may have already read about when you'll get access to it, others may not. So I'll break it down for you, and offer my suggestion on how to get in the cockpit ASAP:

  • Free to Play Accounts: Access is granted on February 4, 2014.
  • Preferred Accounts: Access is granted on January 14, 2014, you also get the "Test Pilot" title. This is for players who were Subscribers at one point in time, or who have purchased some Cartel Coins online.
  • Subscriber Accounts: Access is granted on December 3, 2013, you get two titles and a custom paint job for your starfighter (another extra paint job if you're a subscriber on 01Nov2013 also).

So, what do I recommend if you're wanting to get into this 12v12 dogfights as soon as you can? Subscribe for one month on December 3rd, this will give you the whole month to play as soon as it releases for $12. Make sure you cancel your subscription after you pay for the initial month or it will charge you again in January! You hit a 10 day gap in January where you'll need to wait to get access again as a Preferred Account (since you had subscribed), but after that you're home free.

We'll be supporting Galactic Starfighter matches the same way we support Warzone matches in TOR. Group up with at least one other person from the DJB TOR Guild and screenshot whatever the completion screen looks, then submit it for CFs. The base value will be the same as Warzones to start (1 CF per match, win or lose), but we'll re-evaluate as we know more about the system.

Grand Masters Royal Guard Promotions & Gorefest

After my last report I realized I had forgotten to include congratulations to those of you who earned a GMRG promotion at the end of October! You can only imagine my shame. So here you all are, only a few days late!

  • SBM Montresor to Rank X
  • GM Darth Pravus to Rank IX
  • SBL Invictus to Rank VI
  • OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae to Rank IV
  • OT Rosh Nyine to Rank III
  • PRT Valkish to Rank III
  • DJK Ernordeth Puer-Irae to Rank III
  • GRD Crysall to Rank III
  • DJK Alexander DelGotta to Rank II

Now, Gorefest... I've mentioned this a few times in reports, but we're really going to do it this time! It will start running this Friday (18Oct2013) and continue through Sunday (20Oct2013). Double CFs for any member of the GMRG who earns them during this weekend, on any platform (PVE or PVP). You must select the GMRG Gorefest Competition in order to receive the double CFs! No exceptions! Second level Crescents will be awarded based on win/loss records to the top three GMRG members. The individual who places first will also be the current Gladiator of Gorefest until the next round in December (we're skipping November due to the final round of the DC).

Pendant of Blood!

We started out the month of October with a very active week in PVP matches. Congratulations goes to Rosh for taking the Pendant of Blood for that week!

  • 29Sep2013 - 05Oct2013: OT Rosh Nyine of Clan Naga Sadow, 25 Matches Played, 72% Win Ratio

That's a good Fist of the Brotherhood

Lol Howie

Nice report, except no platforms for us cellphone users

Last time I checked Pazaak seemed to work fine on Chrome for Android :)

Howie's just over-excited about the whole X-Wing Series being re-added. The Old Folks' Home is all sticky after that announcement.

Nice work on the RoCs Val.

Nice report Val. We've been having monthly mobile gaming as a competition while we look at it. Currently, the game is Zombie Highway

Excellent report as always, and Gorefest makes it's return lol :P

Awesome report Val. Nice to have some outdated RoC items updated and fixed up. Gaming during competitions should be much more enjoyable now.

On that subject, re: Poll

I really like trying out new venues for gaming and ways to change things up. However, 90% of the Crusade has been in our customary format- I think it might be nice to stick with that format to finish up- and then focus going forward after that on new ways to make the gaming experience in the DB better :).


Nice to see the Sith games back on the Vendetta list. They may not be too popular but at least they're Star Wars...

Love the new updates, I have to read them more carefully but at a first glance the supported games and the changes in some aspects (Pazaak not being a nightmare to play anymore, yay!) are really really good. Nice job!

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