So with the Crusade getting ready to launch in less than two weeks we'll be taking a bit of a break from the standard Fist Staff Gaming Competitions you're used to seeing running. Don't worry! We'll pick back up with them again after the Crusade wraps up.
We still have a few competitions out there if you'd like to get in on them over the next few days though, check it out:
I've brought Cethgus and Valkish on board as Magistrates to assist with our TOR front. They've both been very active in the game and have already started bringing some ideas to the table on how to get more activities out there for you all to enjoy. I'll be highlighting these in my reports, but you can always check the DJBTOR Website Calendar and Events sections for an up to date rundown of what we've got out there.
If you're reading this and curious on how to get an Event you'd like to run added to the TOR Calendar, just email us with the specifics and we'll go from there!
First, if you're a member of the GMRG and haven't noticed yet, go look at the My Character section on the Admin Page of your Dossier. Now back at my Report. Now back to your Dossier. Notice anything different? Of course you do! There's a slick little bar showing you how many CFs you've earned this month and how close you are to your next GMRG promotion! Gone are the days of manually adding up CFs from your Dossier history (yeah I did that alot). Naturally we have the amazing Seneschal Staff of Coders to thank for the implementation of this nice tool, but I also wanted to take a second to thank the member who brought the idea forward. This whole thing started with a two line email from Ernordeth. Well played! Keep the good ideas coming!
So October's Gorefest has come and gone, but don't worry there will be another one in November after the Crusade! Yes, yes, last report I said we were skipping November. Things change, and I'm pretty sure that no Guardsman are going to be upset with another Double CF Gorefest weekend? Amirite? For now, you can all bask in the epic glow of the Guardsman who had the best PVP ratios during the competition
October's slowed down a bit from the start for PVP matches. However we still have another PoB to give away before the month is through!
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I love that word Repooooooooort.
Ty for posting my event