So first news from myself and Valkish comes today, and there is a lot we have planned but this is just to get things set up. So first of all we would both like to say a massive thank you to Valhavoc for giving us this opportunity, but also to the Guild members of the Brotherhood for all their hard work recently in sorting out the TOR Guild.
1) We are currently working on a few days a week at getting things going, Wednesday is normally Valkish happy day where you can come on and run Flashpoints, Operations anything really goes on this front. Friday we are looking at Flashpoint Friday so come on and get rolling, we want to see what is happening with the members and who is at what stage in their ToR game play. For now though we want to just see you guys coming on and seeing what happens and continue to progress as a Guild.
2) So we are trying to at the moment figure out what is happening with the Guild. What does this mean you can do to help us? We are trying to get most of you to continue to be active but also to keep your accounts up to date on the DJB TOR Guild Site. So if you have kept your character up to date great! If you haven’t signed up yet or haven’t updated your characters in a while we strongly suggest that you do so.
3) Myself and Valkish are regularly on ToR, Teamspeak, or on IRC, we will help you as much as we can if you have any questions, or even if its to help get your character in the right gear. We can make sure that you continue to grow and get involved in Guild activities. We will help you run daily’s, weekly’s, or just to progress your character. As time goes on we’ll throw out more ideas and plans inside of the ToR Guild.
Finally: I would like to say a massive well done to everyone who participated in tonights Operation! We had a full run on The Eternity Vault that saw our two tanks, Rial and Inarya, taking command of the fighting while our DPS team of Myself, Valkish, Frosty and Crysall killed the adds, but this couldn't have been achieved without our healers, Nyine and Teu. What makes this amazing is after 5 hours of game breaking bugs, including the bosses screwing up, we saw the completion of an Operation with a pure DJB group. This hasn't been achieved since AUGUST! And this is the look at the end:
Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae
Valkish Ebonvar
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I fully endorse this message. :)
Kick ass guys, great to see all those DJB members playing TOR together! Keep up the good work.
Awesome! Are there any time frames for flashpoint friday or is it all day? Fridays are my day off, so as long as my wife is working and you all bare with me and my slow loading computer im down
Flashpoint Friday is all day.
We need a Like button.
Great job, guys! If you need any help, tips, advice, I'm around on IRC and email :)
Sitting on a chair in the middle. That's me, like a Voss :P It was really funny, looking forward for the next one ;P
Everyone did a fantastic job! Trust me, there will be more and my thanks to all who attended
I went to update my toons and had a problem. It is still showing the server as KV, not JC.
Thanks ok Alex, all my toons show KV as well, as long as they are updated you a re good to go :)