Knights of Tau Battleteam Leader Report #2
Dark Greetings Knights of Tau
Welcome to the this new and awesome report. Read it while it’s hot, it’s all I can say. Now on to this thing I’d like to say that the month of October has been slower than usual but we have new activity and that’s awesome. I’d like to give a shoutout to my men Orion (aka Enapace) and Ayden (aka Melkor). While Orion already has a couple of lvl 55s he’s been back at it with a vengeance. We recently did an all DB raid or ops and it was awesome. He has mad tanking skills coupled with mad damage. Ayden just started and he’s already at level 30+ I understand and that’s awesome. I congratulate you guys and don’t forget to submitt everything you do with other DB members so you get countef for the Champion of November competition which is in effect right now. For the rest of you, you’d better pull your strenghts because the Dark Crusade is just around the corner. It will start on the 8th of November, so get ready!
There’s a bunch of SWTOR related news that must check out below if you’re a SWTOR player.
Also a heads up for everybody I will be traveling abroad (in Norway) with work and stay there for two weeks until the 16th of November. I can and will respond to emails and such but my gaming activity my drop a little.
Arrivals and Departures
Hades has been AWOLed to the Rogues but we will keep a spot for him when he comes back. :)
TOR Central
This column will be here in every report from now on. So if you're reading this make sure you go on the forums in the The Old Republic Central thread and post your characters that you have in the game or if you did that already make sure to update them.
News and Events
- First news is the launch of Galactic Starfighter PVP basically what it is is dogfighting PvP. It will be awesome (I hope) . Subcribers get the earliest acces in December, followed by preffered status players in January and F2P in february .
- In other news EA announced a character name cleanup HERE. For us active players it’s a good chance to maybe get some cool names back. I’ll definetly try „Frosty” to see if it’s taken.
- Valhavoc announced some weekly events in SWTOR, these events are aimed at lvl 50+ characters make sure to check out http://www.djbtor.com/home for some other upcoming events:
01Nov13 - Flashpoint Friday: Valkish and Cethgus will both be online through most of Friday running some 55 Hard Mode Flashpoints. They're going to be using this to gauge what Operations we should start of running as we move forward.
Weekly Wednesday Fun Runs: Valkish will be putting together groups each Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm Eastern for Operations, or (if we're short people) Hard Mode Flashpoints.
Daily Warzone Groups: Rosh expressed interest in putting together a group to start working towards gearing up for Ranked Warzone Season 1, which will be starting in a few weeks. So we've added a daily event to the Calendar for some Warzone time.
- As a minor addition to the news column I’d like to announce that I took 1st place in the GMRG Gorefest competition and Dox took 3rd. That’s a DB wide competition and we took 2 out 3 places. Let’s hope we can replicate this effort in the Dark Crusade.
And finally but not least I will announce this month’s Champion of Tau.... drum rolls ... DOX. Rise Dox and received the title with honor. The competition continues in November for a new Champion title.
Champion of Tau - November
DB English Premier League – this a nice competition for soccer fans. I’m participating in it and I’m ranked 6 at the moment but I doing good so far.
Brimston’s tattoo – if you’re a gfx man and you’d like your work on somebody’s ...body, have a look at this one.
Monthly Mobile Gaming: Turkey Blast Reloaded - easy 5 CFs and a possible placement.
For other competitions check out the Competitions Page
OP Dox Romanae earned:
- 1 x Crescent with Topaz Star for first place in the Champion of Tau competition
- 1 x Crescent with Topaz Star Awarded for 2nd place in the Furious Fowl Tar competition
- 1 x Crescent with Quartz Star Awarded for achieving 3rd place in the Flick it good competition.
- 1 x Crescent with Amethyst Star Awarded for achieving 3rd place in the GMRG Gorefest: October 2013 competition.
- 1 x Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded for achieving 1st place in the Free Howie competition.
- 1 x Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded for achieving 3rd place in the Monthly Mobile Gaming: Star Wars Angry Birds competition.
- 9 x Clusters of Fire
DJK Orion Aries Rial earned:
- 1 x Legion of the Scholar Awarded for achieving 2nd place in the Cyrinity's #arcona trivia competition.
- 16 x Clusters of Fire for SWTOR Flashpoints and Operations
OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae earned:
- 1 x Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded for achieving 1st place in the Furious Fowl Tar competition.
- 1 x Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded for achieving 1st place in the Flick it good competition.
- 1 x Crescent with Diamond Star Awarded for achieving 1st place in the GMRG Gorefest: October 2013 competition.
- 1 x Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded for achieving 2nd place in the Free Howie competition.
- 1 x Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded for achieving 2nd place in the Very Funny competition.
- 59 x Clusters of Fire
Congratz to everyone, nice job guys! Keep it up!
No promotion this month.
For everyone interested here is the Promotion Guidelines.
Final Thoughts
I think I covered everything. To recap:
- Dox is the October Champion of Tau!
- DB is running Ops and HMs in SWTOR every week (one tonight held by Oberst)
- The Dark Crusade will begin on the 8th of October
- SWTOR announces new PVP and character name cleanup
- Stay Sexy!
Signing out,
OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae (Obelisk) / BTL / Battle Team Knights of Tau of House Tarentum [ACC: III] [GMRG: IV]
GC-PoTP / SC-CoP / AC-ToSC / DC-GP / GN / SN-AuL / BN-AgL / Cr:1D-5R-11A-11S-12E-6T-3Q / PoB-AuL / CF-AF / CI-PC / DSS-BL / SI-AgL / LS-AuL / SoL-BE / S:7M-4R-5Al-9C-11D-2Do-2Dk-6P-11U-2B-16Dec
*Heir of Tarentum *
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