A brief note on what I have found in the sources available online.
New Star Wars movies announced by Disney are going to creat a new trilogy, like Episodes I – III and IV – VI. It means three brand new parts. Similarly to the time distance between the Prequel Trilogy and the Original Trilogy, there are going to be 20 or more years between the Original Trilogy and this new one. It gives us the basis to make an assumption – it is possible that the new trilogy will deal with the Yuuzhan Vong War or the Dark Nest Crisis. Something that I would definitely love to watch.
As far as the actors are concerned, it has been confirmed that Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher are going to reprise their legendary roles as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo in the new trilogy. If we add some young actors being auditioned for the roles in the new movies, it seems to be more than probable that we are will see Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo in action, so Yuuzhan Vong War would sound like a direct hit.
As far as the crew members are concerned, J.J. Abrams, who has directed the recent Star Trek movies ( Star Trek from 2009 and Star Trek: Into the Darkness from 2013 ), is going to be the director, producer and writer of the Episode VII, with help of Lawrence Kasdan, who has written, along other movies, Star Wars: Episode V: Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
The Episode VII is going to be launched in 2015.
Certainly, most of the information we have at the moment have strong speculative character and they may turn out to be completed untrue. What do you think? Is there anything important about the new Trilogy that I have missed?
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Storyline wise, I have a large feeling that it won't deal directly with the current EU. The focus will be on "the kids", but who those kids are have not yet been revealed. Hell, Han and Leia being married is not a guarantee. I don't think Disney has actually confirmed it directly, but yeah, it's pretty much a given that the 3 old actors will be reprising their roles in some fashion.
There has been tension between the production stuff and Disney over the release date. Disney is pushing for the SUmmer 2015 release, while the production staff is having issues with that timeline since nothing has been finalized. You know, things like a script and actors :P Why do they want that release date so much? Their plan is to release other SW movies in between the "main" SW movies. So every 2 years we would have one of the Episodes ( 2015, 2017 and 2019). In between each of those years would be another SW-based movies. So, the early years of Han Solo was one rumour as was a Boba Fett movie. The delay of Episode VII would then start delaying everything else.
Also, Anthony Daniels and Peter Mayhew are also back. Ewan Mcgregor and Ian Mcdirmod have requested roles too
While EU is not their desired movies, they can't avoid them fully. Mara Jade and others have huge story arcs in history of SW.
Also, Anthony Daniels and Peter Mayhew are also back. Ewan Mcgregor and Ian Mcdirmod have requested roles too
While EU is not their desired movies, they can't avoid them fully. Mara Jade and others have huge story arcs in history of SW.
Also, Anthony Daniels and Peter Mayhew are also back. Ewan Mcgregor and Ian Mcdirmod have requested roles too
While EU is not their desired movies, they can't avoid them fully. Mara Jade and others have huge story arcs in history of SW.
Also, Anthony Daniels and Peter Mayhew are also back. Ewan Mcgregor and Ian Mcdirmod have requested roles too
While EU is not their desired movies, they can't avoid them fully. Mara Jade and others have huge story arcs in history of SW.
Sorry phone lagged up
My main hope is that they keep the same EU names for the kids. EU people are superb at retconing things, so any "event" changes can be mended, but if something as simple as the name of Solo's kid changes.... It also seems to me that Lucas was aware of the children and their names when he started drafting story ideas, so I very much hope just that one bit is preserved.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-24828750 - They're casting for 'a "street smart and strong" orphaned girl in her late teens and a "smart capable" man in his late teens or early 20s.' Not sure if there are any clues in that
Star Wars VI was Return of the Jedi. Not A New Hope. Just saying .... :-)
Pfff... I hate writing things in hurry :P Thanks for pointing it out.