Welcome to the House Plagueis Aedile Report! This report will include a bit of a debrief on the recently-completed Dark Crusade and a run-down of the promotions and shinies awarded so far...
To begin with some non-Crusade news, over the past few weeks the House Summit has discussed ways to reinvigorate our two Battleteams, Ajunta Pall and Karness Muur. Informed by some spirited debated among other Brotherhood leaders, we have settled on the principle that "Battleteams are good." They provide members with a small, tight-knit unit; they can help ease new recruits into the larger universe of the DJB; and the positions of Battleteam Sergeant and Battleteam Leader can serve as excellent outlets for creative and energetic leaders.
Therefore, going forward our Battleteams will be taking on a larger role in the House (read: Mandatory fun! the best kind :P). To kick it off, we have developed a new document that outlines BTL duties and expectations; the document will be made available to the House in the next few days. In short, BTLs are critical to our future success and they will be treated as such.
Moreover, from now on all new members will be placed into a Battleteam upon joining the House. Our current journeymen will be placed in teams in the coming days based on their preferences and available spots. As the House grows, we will consider opening a third Battleteam, so stay tuned.
Also in non-Crusade news, the new SA Society has launched and it looks pretty cool. Everyone should have received an email with their initial Society rank, and as you progress by taking more exams you'll unlock new goodies. Some of the robes are pretty swank. :P Check out more info on the DJB wiki
Now for the good stuff... as you're all aware, we won our first-ever Vendetta victory last week by beating Arcona in a knock-down, drag-out fight for participation. Ultimately, through an incredible House-wide effort, our 2.93 participation ratio (that is, nearly 3 entries for every member of the House!) won the day. In honor of this stellar achievement, I have prepared a little something special for which I apologize in advance :P
Plagueis emerged victorious after an Aabsolutely incredible effort: Furios organizing and Famulous execution secured a Slaggering 2.93 participation ratio, Tra'anscending the impressive output of both Arcona and Talydran. This insurMontyable feat has, um, Kz'set. Zednich. This is hard :P
Anyway, Plagueis submitted an amazing 85 total entries, exactly 30 more than were submitted to the prior round. Several of our members participated in all 31 events offered over the course of the entire year-long ordeal, and Plagueis brought home a whopping 119 novae total.
As a reward for everyone's hard work and success, were were given an astounding nine battlefield promotions (in the order they were granted):
Taranae to Guardian
Ragnar to Jedi Hunter
Evoroth to Dark Jedi Knight (yay!)
Furios to Obelisk Prelate
Teylas to Sith Battlemaster
Alexandra to Guardian
Arturis to Krath Archpirest
Famosus to Krath Archpriest
Kz'set to Sith Battlemaster
A number of medals have also been awarded for Crusade effort:
Dark Crosses were awarded to Kodais, Godo, Tae'is, Maol, Alex, and Zuser.
If you don't see your name on either of these lists, don't worry! There's more coming. :P
I want to reiterate how amazing Plagueis' performance has been in the last few weeks. We had been written off by many people after the previous round, but through sheer dedication and effort, Plagueis has risen to new heights. And we're only getting started.
My door is always open, so come talk to me on IRC or shoot me an email if you need anything at all or just want to chat.
Sith Warlord Dacien Victae
Aedile of House Plagueis
Dread Lord's Wrath
"Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est"
SWL Dacien Victae (Sith) / AED / House Plagueis
AK / SB / SC-SoF / AC-ToDS / DC-BP / GN / SN / Cr:1S-2E-1Q / CF-GF / SI / SoL-BE / S:1D-3Dk-3P-1B
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You realize that your latin quote translates to, "Yes, that really is a large amount of corn", right?
Love the name dropping though. Tra'anscending, hmmm? Interesting.
Thanks for the update, and I'm interested to see what you do with the BT.
Thanks for stepping up to the plate Dacien. Glad to have you back at full steam.
good report boss.
Bubba deserves a Gold Nova for "Best Sentence of 2013"
I second that ^
Well done!
Thank you, thank you.
Tra'an, yeah I know :P
You guys did a good job Kz'setting us up for victory.
See dude, that wasn't so hard :P
Last comment was lame.
Bubba report ftw tho.
You know, I only asked you guys to win ONE nice planet for me. Then you went and won the whole competition. Well, what’s done is done I guess. Good show, even if it was overkill :P