I've been Herald for a month and I'm happily warming up to this role. Socorra has been the organization queen and is helping to get all of our ducks in a row. Here's what's happening:
As you may have already seen in Socorra's news post the other day (and via Howie's comment on that post), we have been working on the warbanner and lightsaber wiki articles in the Codex. The goal there was to clear up some questions that tend to creep up when folks are requesting gear for their dossiers.
While this is for the Brotherhood at large, it was largely driven by my own selfish need for documentation. The rules for the Office of the Herald are not embedded in my brain so having a clearer resource is key. That way, I can confidently say "No" when someone asks: "Can I have a waffle iron instead of a lightsaber for my Custom Lightsaber?"
Andrelious had an excellent suggestion for the lightsaber request form - to show examples of the hilts that can be selected. Once I gain edit access to the form, I'll throw this image in there:
If you are a creator of art, we'd love it if you joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood group on DeviantArt and submit your creations there! This will help show the DeviantArt community that we are an active Star Wars group that produces content - heck...we may even entice someone to join.
If you don't have a DA account and you're one of our artists...get off your butt and create one :) Get your work out there and let me know if you've created anything awesome so I can talk about it :)
Speaking of which, there's a few pieces of art that I'd like to call out:
This month, we've produced 5 Lightsabers and 26 Warbanners. There are 4 lightsaber requests in the queue and 23 warbanners in the queue (a lot of requests came in after the SA Society launched). We're a bit behind on the warbanners but hope to catch up in the next few days.
These sabers were all produced by yours truly.
By Orv
By Socorra
By Archangel
I attacked Howie's dossier with a new set of "robes". You can see them here. Socorra and I also saw to Timeros' dossier - she handled his warbanner and I decorated his robes. Abuse of power for a good cause.
Hope you like the little comic that sums up my first month of being Herald. So far I'm a fan of making graphics for you guys.
Bork, bork, bork!
- HRLD Orv Dessrx d'Tana Arconae
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Moar comics. Yes. I approve.
Excellent report Orv. Thank you so much for the amazing saber!!! :D
So much win xD
But...I want a sword T-T
Awesome report Orv, can't wait to see more.
... By the way, if anyone happens to take a look at my page (Linked here,) feel free to make reccomendations for 3D objects (No, I won't do characters. I have the skills to do so, but doing so requires hours of effort. Creatures are fair game, though.)
Finally...I have completed the HK set!
...Wait what there's an accessory thing you can have now? TO THE SA, FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
All the comics! Also, the new Pravus Warbanner is fantastic.
Awesome report Orv and I love the comic lead in. Well done :)
Thanks for the awesome sabers, Orv!
Agreed, more comics. Since we're on this "advertising" kick anyway, has anyone thought about doing a webcomic? Just something along the "gag of the day" routine. We don't need crazy deep, twisted plotlines, a la Sluggy. Just throw in some quotes from the IRC channels for some laughs.
This only makes me wish I could draw...
Anshar, I'd love to have a regular comic! I did that one as a way to gauge people's response and see if it is worth the time. If people want one, I'd like to continue. I've never done a web comic before, but it's something I've been wanting to try for a while!
Great job on the art work on the doss pages. Cant wait to see what you guys come up with next.
...but yeah, Moar Panda! :P
I read the hell out of an Orc-comic!
Great work as usual, Orv!
This was absolutely epic. <3 Orv!