As Cethgus has announced below, the newest expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic is out, featuring the new gameplay, Galactic Starfighter.
As a PvP event, Clusters of Fire will be up to be awarded.
As for right now, Valhavoc and I need to decide how that will be accomplished. So, for the moment, simply save screenshots for the end-of-game score card, as you might with normal PvP matches.
Be sure to play WITH another DJB Guild Member to qualify for CFs.
Go get 'em, pilots. Do a barrel roll!
Update: Galactic Starfighter will be awarded in the same manner as SWTOR Warzones. 1 CF per Match, Win or Lose. You must be grouped with another DJB Guild Member to qualify for CFs. Be sure to take a screenshot of the Mission Completion Board (with all your kills, etc on it) at the end of each match and include it with your submission. Follow the instructions below to submit your screenshots for CFs:
Admin Menu > Submit Gaming Scores > Player vs Environment > SWTOR: Galactic Starfighter
If we get an expansion that allows 1v1 dogfights or specific teams (2v2, 4v4, etc) to challenge each other then this will definitely become a PVP Platform similar to the X-Wing series. We can only hope.... :)
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Refer to the Update at the end of the Post (copied/pasted down here to add a comment and attract attention)...
Galactic Starfighter will be awarded in the same manner as SWTOR Warzones. 1 CF per Match, Win or Lose. You must be grouped with another DJB Guild Member to qualify for CFs. Be sure to take a screenshot of the Mission Completion Board (with all your kills, etc on it) at the end of each match and include it with your submission. Follow the instructions below to submit your screenshots for CFs:
Admin Menu > Submit Gaming Scores > Player vs Environment > SWTOR: Galactic Starfighter
If we get an expansion that allows 1v1 dogfights or specific teams (2v2, 4v4, etc) to challenge each other then this will definitely become a PVP Platform similar to the X-Wing series. We can only hope.... :)