Greetings, Qel-Dromans! Welcome to yet another report from your friendly, neighborhood Quaestor of Qel-Droma. In this report is a secret word. There is a competition for you to e-mail me the watchword/password or put it in the text for the competition. We'll cover DB news, your wonderful activity, competitions and lightsaber.

Aedile’s Word
It's in, and we came second. We lost. But it's not the end of the world. Let me tell you why.
As a Brit, I know of loss. We lost a war for a little group of colonies over a stretch of water, in a little tussle.
Did the people of my nation mope about and let everything they did be undone by self pity? No. They came back later, and burnt down the house of the President. It's why the white house is called the white house.
That kind of bounce-back is integral to the culture of my country. Everyone needs to take a leaf out of Britain's book. We move on, build ourselves up, and come back, and burn them. GJWX is up next year. As much as the more...Freedom loving... members of Arcona will hate it, Arcona is Britain, an Empire that suffered a little setback at the hands of some people who didn't like how be we were. Be British. Accept the defeat, and come back swinging.
Rule Arcona.
Now, on from my pant-stirringly British speech to more fun stuff:
We have a whole week's break, so why not relax, have some time in the hell that is the real world, and start thinking about what you want to see. Ernordeth and I are cooking up some competitions for us all to enjoy and have a little fun with. But why should we have all the fun of thinking up ideas? We want to hear from you. Do you have a competition idea that you think would blow the minds of Qel-Droma? Maybe a vague thread you want to pull at? Shoot them to us, and we'll work to make them happen. If you have an idea, pop it into the form, and we can take a look at it after we all had some R&R.
I'm going to use my R&R Florence Nightingale some sick people.
We would also like to welcome Kant and Ardz into Qel-Droma!
Competition form

Brotherhood News
There’s honestly so much of this lately. Go check out all the news, but here’s a highlight of a few:

Shadow Academy
- Tim was elevated to SA Society Rank IV
- Strat was elevated to SA Society Rank II
- Mark was elevated to SA Society Rank IV
- Shi Long was elevated to SA Society Rank III
- Ood was elevated to SA Society Rank X and completed Markdown 201
- Vassan was elevated to SA Society Rank III
- Vic was elevated to SA Society Rank V
- Kalak was elevated to SA Society Rank III
- Etah was elevated to SA Society Rank V
- Kalon was elevated to SA Society Rank III
- Valt was elevated to SA Society Rank III and completed Combat Tactics I and the Test of Power
- Graus was elevated to SA Society Rank III
- Ernordeth was elevated to SA Society Rank IV
- Fet was elevated to SA Society Rank I
- Kant Lavar was elevated to SA Society Rank III
- Deimos was elevated to SA Society Rank IV
- Kanis was elevated to SA Society Rank IV, completed the Test of Power, History of the Sith Empire II, Advanced Lightsaber Studies, Hand to Hand Combat, and earned Dark Maven of Combat!
- Cyrinity was elevated to SA Society Rank I
- Marrek was elevated to SA Society Rank IV, earned Dark Maven of of General History and Dark Maven of of Flight, and completed Starfighter Studies, Freighters/Transports Studies, Cryptography 101, Capital Starship Studies, DB History I, Old Republic History, Pre-Republic History, History of the Sith Empire I, History of the Sith Empire II, and History of the Sith Empire III!
- Zenon was elevated to SA Society Rank III, completed Lightsaber Studies, Combat Tactics I, and earned Dark Maven of Philosophy!
- Dalk was elevated to SA Society Rank I
- Adi was elevated to SA Society Rank II, earned Dark Maven of Philosophy, and completed Philosophy I, Sith Core and Obelisk Core
- Skar was elevated to SA Society Rank I
- Krant was elevated to SA Society Rank I
- Tycho was elevated to SA Society Rank II and completed Sith Core
- Kintocass was elevated to SA Society Rank I, completed GMRG History, Obelisk Core, and Vendetta 1-3, and earned Dark Pundit-Vendetta!
- Karetus was elevated to SA Society Rank I
- Morathi was elevated to SA Society Rank I and completed DB Basics
- Verse was elevated to SA Society Rank I and completed DJBWiki: An Introduction, DB Basics, and IRC Basics

- Tim was awarded a Gold Nova and 5 Scrolls of Foundation
- Strat was awarded a Cluster of Fire and an Anteian Cross
- Mark was awarded 4 Clusters of Fire, a Dark Cross, an Amethyst Crescent, and Scroll of Indoctrination!
- Shi Long was awarded an Anteian Cross
- Ood was awarded 5 Scrolls of Foundation and a Silver Nova
- Vic was awarded 5 Clusters of Fire, a Scroll of Indoctrination, a Pendant of Blood, a Silver Nova, and a Sapphire Blade!
- Etah was awarded 2 Clusters of Fire
- Valt was awarded 52 Clusters of Fire, a Pendant of Blood, a Bronze Nova, and a Sapphire Blade!
- Graus was awarded a Dark Cross
- Ernordeth was awarded 46 Clusters of Fire, 3 Scrolls of Foundation, and a Diamond Crescent
- Fet was awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side and a Scroll of Foundation
- Deimos was awarded a Legion of the Scholar
- Kalon was awarded an Anteian Cross
- Kanis was awarded 10 Clusters of Fire, a Ruby Crescent, and 3 Scrolls of Indoctrination
- Marrek was awarded 2 Clusters of Fire
- Zenon was awarded 2 Scrolls of Foundation and a Dark Cross
- Adi was awarded 5 Clusters of Fire and a Dark Cross
- Krant was awarded a Legion of the Scholar
- Tycho was awarded 1 Cluster of Fire, a Dark Cross and a Bronze Nova
- Kintocass was awarded 8 Clusters of Fire, a Legion of the Scholar, and a Silver Nova
- Verse was awarded a Silver Nova

- Etah was promoted to Sith Battlelord!
- Valt was elevated to GMRG Rank II
- Ernordeth was promoted to Sith Warrior and was elevated to GMRG Rank V
- Deimos was promoted to Krath Priest! Welcome to the Equites!
- Kanis was promoted to Obelisk Templar! Welcome to the Equites!
- Marrek was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight
- Zenon was promoted to Jedi Hunter
- Adi was promoted to Jedi Hunter
- Tycho was promoted to Protector
- Kintocass was promoted to Protector and elevated to GMRG Rank I
- Ardz was promoted to Novice
- Morathi was promoted to Apprentice and Novice
- Verse was promoted to Acolyte, Protector and Guardian!


Dark Crusade
This has been addressed. Valt focused his section of the report on it; Wally has reflected on it, and so have other leaders. This section is to, as promised, make mention of our Qel-Droman Crusaders! If you completed 3/4 or 4/4 on Ziost you are now fictionally allowed to call yourself a Qel-Droman Crusader! Everyone else is still appreciated for their efforts.

Here is a list of those who are now Qel-Droman Crusaders:
- Tim
- Vic
- Ernordeth
- Strat
- Mark
- Ood
- Fet
- Etah
- Deimos
- Kalon
- Valt
- Kanis
- Skar
- Marrek
- Tycho
- Adi
- Verse

Ask the Erno
Cethgus asked “When are we getting married?”
Well we are Stu and I are deciding between 14/11/2013 and in Stu’s dreams. No date is officially set yet.
Deimos asked “After the Dark Crusade, across the Clan, why were people awarded only one thing or another, a promotion or a medal? But not both combined?”
The MAA has guidelines set in place. Wally worked hard with Muz and the MAA Staff and wrote his recommendations for what we felt was most deserved and/or what that member wanted most. I worked with Wally, Legz, Valt, and the BTLs to write recommendations to help make sure each and every participant was recognized. A member is unable to get both a medal and promotion to avoid “double dipping”.
Esca asked “What did one casket say to the sick casket?”
I don’t know what did he say?
Esca replied “Is that you coffin?”

Anything Else?
Each one of you have received an e-mail from me personally. I asked questions to get to know each of you and figure out where you want to go and how I can help you get there. While out of the usual, I'll be doing this every month. There are also a few other e-mails out there that are important for some Arcona and HQD projects. You can talk to me any time you like, but I feel this encourages strong communication between us and let's us get to know each other.
Nice report, guys.
Great report!
Esca has stupid jokes though.