So first off, all let’s get the main news out before our next uber-sexy report. The Dark Crusade has finally finished, and we took second place in overall standings on this one; but it was an epic job getting there. We have had the pleasure of working alongside some amazing people during this whole thing, and it has to be said that we are proud of all of the hard work you have put in. Let’s face it: we are simply awesome. Of course we already know that but this Dark Crusade gave us the opportunity to show it to everyone else.
The ACC Open Beta is coming soon! Check out the very news post that talks about it. Once the database is up and everything’s ready for us on the staging site, you’ll all have the opportunity to challenge your friends, friendly enemies, and general acquaintances to epic battles of combat and cunning and whatnot. (Or, put more plainly, beat the crap out of each other in-character :P ). Keep your eyes open, everyone! It’s nearly here.
What gaming updates are there? Well, as most of you have already seen, the major announcement that is currently happening is that Bioware has finally launched the Galactic Starfighter missions for The Old Republic. We have seen a lot of members coming online and trying their hands in this, so if you queue up with someone you will be able to get Clusters of Fire if you submit it correctly. Check in with the Fist report if you want to know how to submit it; and at the same time if you want to run Flashpoints or Heroics, these will also give you Clusters of Fire for your hard work. So, make sure that all of your gaming activity is submitted. Have fun out their guys, and I look forward to seeing you ToRing or just gaming in general.
We have seen a lot taking place recently, most prominently in the effect of a change in the Battleteams. We have seen a third Battleteam open in Galeres titled Nighthawk. This team was the creation of Teroch and has already seen members moving in giving Galeres a nice even ground in the Battleteams. This means that the transfer options have now been sorted, and everyone has been assigned to either their first choice in team or their second. With that being said, this new shuffle has seen new members come to Galeres and even some old ones leave. I would like to welcome all of you to Galeres, and we would like to wish those that have left the best in Clan Arcona. We will continue to drive activity forward, and let everyone settle into their new positions. Keep doing what we are all doing its making for an awesome House to be apart of for everyone involved.
So, we have seen an amazing amount of medals come across our inbox. So many that some would hardly believe; but the huge list below will show how much work you have all done. We are proud to be seeing such activity coming up and in such a display: the medals have been from Sacramentals right down to Clusters of Fire. We appreciate all of the activity and thank everyone for their hard work and devotion to this event. We finally see the end, and the rewards that we see are clear as day. Congratulations to everyone who has earned an award, the list is as follows:
Kookimarissima Mimosa:
Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae:
Atyiru Caesus Entar:
Seren Dipity Pure-Irae:
Nath Voth:
Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar:
Inarya Tiberius Entar:
Kordath Bleu d’Tana:
Teroch Erinos Arconae:
Socorra Erinos:
Wes Biriuk:
Vynn Salm:
Celahir Erinos:
Well, what can I say? We have seen some impressive promotions coming through our inbox from everyone, we would like to give our personal congratulations to everyone who has managed to get a promotion: you have each worked hard and shown determination and excellence. Keep up the solid work in the future. You are doing Galeres and Arcona proud. With that being said, the following promotions have been awarded since our last report:
Kookimarissima Mimosa:
Lexi Sarden:
“Blown away” would be a bit of an understatement. Then again, that applies to this entire report. To say you all have been active is ann even further understatement. You all have utterly overrun the SA with your brilliant minds. So, we’ll just say “wow” and let this list speak for itself:
Atyriu Caesus Entar:
Kookimarissia Mimosa:
Kordath Bleu
Seren Dipity Puer-Irae
Vynn Salm
Wes Biriuk
Celahir Erinos
Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae
Teroch Erinos Arconae
Socorra Erinos
Arcia Cortel
Valkish Ebonvar
Lexi Sarden
Big news! The SA Society was announced! You’ve probably heard of it by now; but if not, check out the many news posts. With this recent opening, and the soon-to-be reopening of the ACC, we thought it best to bring out a Society section. Here, you’ll find all your local SA, ACC, and GMRG updates as the time comes along. Enjoy:
Sanginius Tsucyra Entar - IV: Junior
Inarya Tiberius Entar - III: Sophomore
Wes Biriuk - III: Sophomore
Celahir Erinos - III: Sophomore
Teroch Erinos Arconae - III: Sophomore
Nath Voth - IV: Junior
Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae - V: Senior
Arcia Cortel - IV: Junior
Seren Dipity Puer-Irae - GMRG III
Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae - GMRG VIII
Valkish Ebonvar - GMRG IV
Nadrin Erinos Arconae - GMRG II
Inarya Tiberius Entar - GMRG II
Wes Biriuk - GMRG II
It’s been busy lately. I daresay we’re popular. Wow. :P We’ve had a homecoming, and three new, brilliant additions to the House. Give them all a warm welcome:
For all of you hardcore competition fans out there, we still have a good supply of competitions to get yourself into, from graphics to writing and gaming. If you are a Journeymen looking to do competitions, we suggest looking through the links below to get in and start participating in these competitions. The following list is from Brotherhood-wide competitions to Clan-wide. We look forward to seeing what you all enter in the future and go have fun out their people.
A Completely Trustworthy Arconan Wedding
Monthly Mobile Gaming: Racing Santa
Monthly Mobile Gaming: Hungry Santa
Cethgus: Well, what can I say, this was one hell of a report to write. I have seen all of you do so much recently and gotta say that I am proud of each of you. Also a huge thank you on my part to my summit, the team has been awesome all of the BTL’s and AED make my life slightly easier every day I cannot thank you guys enough. And with the new year coming up on us who knows what we are going to be expecting but one thing is sure, that we will take it like we did this year. In our own and with a stride to our walk. We have come a long way and with this impressive fill that has been truly awesome to work with. As always I appreciate all your effort and time, and am honoured to be able to work with each of you as the Quaestor of House Galeres. Keep driving hard people!
Atyriu: Every time I sit down with Stu to write one of these reports, I’m just a little more amazed, and quite a lot more grateful, to be one of your leaders. You all never cease to put your best forward, to be an active, present part of this little family, and to maintain that excellence is, in fact, a continuous behavior, a habit, not just something you can claim once. I’m proud of all of you, and proud to be one of you: not just a member of Galeres, but an Arconan. Brilliant, everyone. Just brilliant.
Cethgus Tiberius Entar Arconae - Quaestor of House Galeres Atyriu Caesus Entar - Aedile Entar
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Wonder what your time period for sampling SA courses is for your reports...cause you're missing about 3/4 of what I've done since you have Essentials 1 up there. :P
Awesome report Stu and Atty!
Esca: Apologies, Esca. We'll get it right next time, promise. :P All pretties accounted for.
Darn skippy, your leadershipness! ;P
You know what this report needs? More Trout
Great report Stu and Atty. Lots of goodness in there :)