Character Sheet Fixes


Character Sheet Fixes


Several of you have noticed bugs on the character sheets and have reported them. Our beloved SCL, JaM3z, has fixed most of them. To Quote the man:

"Tested in both Firefox and Chrome. The tooltips are now destroyed entirely whenever you start dragging something, so they shouldn't interfere anymore. Only issue might be that the text in there might be too large to fit in the window (which means part of the tooltip will be 'above' the screen and thus unreadable)."

If you are still having problems, be sure to let us know what they are and what browser they are occurring on. You can use the comments below to do this.

Wheeeeee. Thanks Code Monkey!

Excellent work! Thanks!

Very sexy. And I'm a big fan of the smaller boxes for skills and force powers. thrust

Very nice, I still can't open the editing window for the character sheet in Opera's browser though, is there any chance of that being able to be changed?

I still can't open the editing window for the character sheet in Opera's browser though, is there any chance of that being able to be changed?

Use a real browser?

I jest of course.

Now it just needs to be mobile-friendly!

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