Proconsul sought


Proconsul sought

With the recent resignation of Mejas Doto from Arcona Consul, the Clan is in need of a Proconsul. I'm opening the spot for applications, but I'm not going to make it easy for you all. No minimum requirements or recommended ranks or stuff... if you think you can do the job, just apply: you should also be able to figure out about what you should write in your application. I'd like the applications on my desk before the 26th. Any questions should be directed to me. You've got one week. GO!


JaM3z Lucius Entar
Consul of Clan Arcona

Are you taking applications from the entire Brotherhood, or just Arcona? If you are accepting applications from everywhere, is that an exception to the "Interclan Transfer" rule of the GJW?

Taking applications from the whole Brotherhood, though I'd prefer someone who is or has been in Arcona, so he/she will know how the clan works, etc.

As for the Inter-clan rule, that's up to Jac I guess...

This is an exception to the rule :)

Damn. Even more competition. :P

There is no competition... there is only Zuel oops wrong movie :-p

I even submitted an applycation for the possition!

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