New Post Format


New Post Format

After a quick bit of work, James (code and excerpts) and I (design and styling) were able to change the look of posts. The goals were:

  1. Break up the wall of text with some padding and images.
  2. Bait folks to read more of the posts they want to read by providing an excerpt.

This change was executed as a result of the comments in Muz's recent report. I think the results aren't too shabby!

This does not mean, however, that the avatar tool is any closer. That being said, if you have an avatar that you made or commissioned, we can get that added to your dossier if it passes quality control.

Commenting to say Orv is awesome and to test the avatar I just added (which is also made by his Orvness :))

I really like it. That's a good GraphicsMonkey and a good CodingMonkey

Woo! Looks great

Oh looks nice! Also testing Avatar, also showing of the Orvness!

Looks great, Orv!

Pity my avatar doesn't blink. ;)

Looks great!

well la de da; look at all the people with avatars...I hate you all. :P

Great work guys, this looks awesome!

This does look awesome

Looks sweet! Awesome job guys!

Is the "teaser" section a certain number of words or characters into the post? Just trying to think how to maximize the gain from that new feature.

Wicked stuff guys. :D

Oooh, purdy.


So much win!

I think it's x number of words, Val, though I couldn't tell you how many.

Also, ohh look at that Muz sexyness to the left!

Looks amazing Orv/James. One thing I miss from the old style though is the ability to just click on the title bar to expand out the full article, would that be feasible to bring back? (even just switching "Read More.." to be on the right side, to keep the continuity of the Mouse interactions on the right side of the post would be sweet.

We purposefully changed the title to function like every other news/blog site as that is a fairly standard behavior. The read more link is there to keep some of that non-standard behavior around.

I think moving the collapse button to the left might make more sense visually (and changing the style so it doesn't seem like part of the article), maybe?

Would definitely streamline the mouse movements a little bit, and might optimize user flow experience.

Holy cow. :D!

Might want to make the logo smaller or otherwise more visible. Right now it's partially covered. At least on Mozilla at 1280x1024 res.


Very nice. I approve.

@V'yr: Yeah, I'm getting the .psds from Jac and I'll fix us up. I want to separate the logo from the background so it can be clickable.

I want to separate the logo from the background so it can be clickable.

Do want.

We really should have button links to the Twitter, Facebook and (DeviantArt? Youtube? RSS feed?) Small boxed icons either at the bottom of the page or on the navigation bar (Not to pile on too much work :P). I like the new reports layout, now I want to finish up my character image more than ever.

Roster drop down

We definitely do need linkage to the Social Platforms. My suggestion would be to add the Twitter, Facebook and Youtube logos to the icon font and put them at the bottom of the "Communication" drop down, like what you see with the Societies on the Rosters drop down.

Looking very smooth. Love this. Love it a lot.

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