Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report - Christmas edition? Nah


Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report - Christmas edition? Nah

Clan Naga Sadow Consul Report December 21

Yes, it is that time of the week again. (I know it’s been 18 days…) Anyways… moving on!

Did anything happen since the last one of these things?

Well, first of all the Sons of Sadow welcomed a new member into their ranks, so if you haven’t already you should go congratulate Methyas.

Next, the first of the new Black Guardsmen have been found, Locke won the competition I ran last week so he’s the poor sod who gets to be my Guardsman!
Teu is currently running a competition to find hers and it can be found here.
I suspect Mirado will run a competition soon to find his.

The summit also had the first Conclave in ages where we discussed plans for the future and such things, you will see the result of some of this soon.

Did you talk about anything else?

Why yes, yes we did. We talked about recruitment because well, Naga Sadow needs more members. Basically we have a little over a month to get back over 40 members to retain our Clan status so if you know someone who might find the DB fun/exciting/interesting go forth and recruit them. You’ll even get a Scroll of Indoctrination when they reach the rank of PRT!

Last time you had news about DB wide stuff as well, what about now?

Oh fine, if you really care about stuff outside Naga Sadow then here we go…

First of all, Orv and James have been working hard on making the website look fancier which you will probably have noticed already, at least if you’re reading this report on the website instead of in your email. Some of the new stuff they have added is the possibility for you to have an avatar added to that empty space on your dossier, to read more on that go here.
Today also saw the first round of Herald Style Hanukkah. You can see the pretty stuff Orv made for us in his news post here. Expect more over the coming days.

The Fist also wrote a report recently which included some changes they have made to the Rites of Combat so you should go read it now.
There’s also the GMRG Gorefest this weekend which gives double CFs if you’re at or above GMRG rank 2.

Solari also announced some new stuff that has been added to the Shadow Academy, the biggest of which is the ability to save your progress on an exam if you find yourself unable to do all of it in one sitting. If you retake an exam now you will also only have to answer the questions you got wrong the first time, so you will no longer have to go back and answer all 35 questions on that pesky CoJ 1 course if you want to get 100% instead of 95% on it.

The Recruitment Tribune, Xantros, wants us to highlight the DBs social media media profiles so here goes:

So remember those when you’re being social over the interwebs far away from other people!

Can we go now?

Almost, but not before I once again remind you that you should make sure you’re always logged in when you visit the DB site, that way the site automatically knows you’re not AWOL.

SWL Malik Sadow (Sith) / M:MAA-CON / Clan Naga Sadow [GMRG: I] [SA: IX]
ED / RS / GC-PoTP / SC-SoH / AC-RoF / DC-PP / GN / SN-BL / BN-AuL / Cr:3A-11S-12E-6T-5Q / PoB-AgL / CF-SF / CI-GC / SI-AgL / SoF-BL / LS-SL / SoL-TC / S:1M-1R-1C-6D-1P-10U-2B-3De-7Dec-7Aff
Son of Sadow

That's a good Malik.


:D Repooort.

Also missed was the Birthright robes, earned by CNS for the last chapter of the Crusade.


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