Snik snik snik, The scissors worked with a grace bordering on natural beauty. A slight whimpering escaped the patient as the metal rose and fell delivering onto the subject an almost divine gift born from years of study. A soft cry escaped the man as he struggled in his restraints and a soft chuckling came from behind him as Deimos continued his work with an almost boyish enthusiasm. The scissors fell once more and a further cry made the Krath Priest stop and stare at the figure.
With a slight tut Deimos put down the scissors “Really my boy, anyone would think this is the first haircut you’ve ever had! Now shut up and sit still!”
Looking back over what has come and gone I personally sit and wonder if there was anything I could of done better that would've made how things went a lot better for me and those around me. I, like many others have faced trials and tribulations that built me up and tore me down. One of those things was truly a horrendous thing to go through but you know in life things come along and kick you up the ass and you either get over it or move on.
Now this probably makes no sense to a lot of people and in truth I believe there will be people who know exactly the feeling I am describing. My point on it is that no matter what takes you down a peg it’s either for a reason that will make itself clear in time or is already present and you are just being rather too stubborn to realise or your old enemy has cropped up, your ego.
The ego can tear even the greatest person down, hell I know that fine. All you need to remember is that everyone in the Brotherhood will at one point or another face something similar or perhaps very different to what you have gone through and I believe that we should aim to help them as best we can, like many before have helped me. So i’d like to raise a toast to Arcona not as a clan, but as a family.
Brothers, Sisters and those of dubious gender, I’m looking at you Ood, Carpe Diem and Arcona Invicta. Let us raise hell and reclaim what is rightfully ours. The top dog spot.
I know right my own personal thoughts before that of my guys, a bit selfish but fear not I have some fun planned for you guys and gals!
Now that I am sober, or at least as Sober as a Scotsman can be with a fridge full of beer and a cupboard of spirits, I am putting together a few things. A run on will be up in the next week that shall carry us through the month. I just need to finalise some things and then wham bam. On top of that I wish to put out a new fiction competition to get us into the New Year spirit so again keep an eye out for that or you know i’ll actually let you know it’s happening and won't just expect you to know, I am not that cruel.
As some are aware I ran a competition last month to finally get us a Battleteam award that I will be able to give you guys for excellent performance in campaigns. Just because we operate in the Shadows does not mean we can not take pride in what we do or I can not take pride in you guys for your phenomenal work.
I would like to first congratulate Condar for his design and his work on this competition. I will not lie I wept a tiny little bit when I saw what he had done and the work he had put in. Though I am going to put that down to watching Grave of the Fireflies late last night and thus it should be noted you can not bribe me by making me sad!
So without further ado I would like to reveal our first distinction award and I honestly look forward to awarding each and everyone one of my guys it given time. With each awarding I also promise to write a personal fiction so it can be that bit more special.
It’s been a very busy last month for me, and sadly not much of it was DJB based! Being a Witch there is alot one has to do in preparation for one’s upcoming elevation, as well as full moon rituals and getting things sorted for Yule. But wouldn’t change it for the world. Anyhow back off me and onto the guys that matter!
Strat - I know you are around big bro, doing what you do. Keep it up!
Etah - Kicking ass in the advertising stuff. My facebook has been plastered with numerous posts recently.
Deimos - Kicking ass Witchy style.
Vynn - Welcome to the team bro keep up the good work!
Graus - Glad to hear you are getting better. Been in touch with me back and forth which is always amazing given your circumstances.
Feta - Not heard from you in a while hun, know you are kicking around though!
Condar - Well what to say about this guy. He’s stormed the SA again, in fact my inbox is nothing but Condar. I hope you will not take offence to me not putting every SA exam you have partaken in this month as it’s a hell of a lot. On top of that Dark Jedi Knight in about 2 weeks. Inspirational.
Zenon - Dark Jedi Knight achieved. Numerous comps partaken in, good lad keep it up.
Krant - Not had a chance to properly catch up with you dude. I shall rectify that.
As a whole I’m more than happy with my guys, lowest rank is Dark Jedi Knight which means that sooner or later we are all gonna turn into old fogeys but proud of each and everyone one of you.
Monday we shall have two brand new competitions!
Shadow Gate Run On - The Ties That Bind - Coming Soon.
As usual you can partake in different competitions listed on the DJB’s main page, there are a ton up there
Never give up, never believe you are less than anyone else in this clan or this Brotherhood. Just because other’s achieve what you have not it does not mean you are any less important to Arcona.
Oh also if you have any ideas for BT comps please let me know, punt them to me and we’ll get it done!
One final thing, my song of the month:
Blessed Be
KP Deimos d'Tana (Krath) / BTL / Battle Team Shadow Gate of House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona [GMRG: I] [SA: IV] GC / SC / DC-SiP / GN-BL / SN-BL / BN-BL / Cr:2R-4S-9E-6T-5Q / CF-GF / CI-BlC / LS / S:16Rn {SA: MVC - MVF - MVH - MVPH - DPE - DPV}
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Thanks for the kind words Deimos. And excellent report!