In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. -Sir Francis Bacon
An enemy is in our midst, Knights. The Tenloss Syndicate, tired of being harried by the forces of Odan-Urr and the members of our strike team, have hired an elite force of mercenaries that call themselves Alpha's Omega. Their success rate is flawless, their efficiency deadly, and their leader is not one to be trifled with. Will you stand with us, or watch the Knights of Allusis burn away by the forces of Alpha's Omega?
The Encroaching Shadows event is now live! This is an event that will help recreate the Battleteam and our history, and many more things will change within the Battle Team based upon the results of this event. We'll have competitions for everyone, so participation is expected, especially since this will be a great warm up for our House wide event that is coming soon.
The list of competitions can be found here.
Knights of Allusion Season 3: Encroaching Shadows
There is also a run on that will be going on! You are welcome to post at any time you wish, progress the story as you see fit. Each week, a post on the forum will be posted to guide the participants toward our common goal, however this does not mean the story is set. Your posts have a great influence on the story.
Get active folks! This event was made with you all in mind!
Hope to see some activity! =D
V'yr and Kah
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Love how you changed the words on the banner for the event! =D
I hope to see some activity here. This is a great opportuinity to earn some medals!