2014! Yeah! Look at our progress already. We've got new recruitment going on, membership numbers picking up all across the clan, competitions, events, Clan Artisans, new stuff from the Dark Council, Holy flipping heck it's already a great year. We're back over 40 members in the Clan - so let's aim for 50 now! There's no stopping THIS party train.
First up let me do some welcoming, and we'll be here a while: Welcome Jhonario L'assaut back to the Clan after a break (welcome back, dude, it's awesome to have you again!) and welcome along new members Rhiann Baenre, Kara Vi'dreya, Shi'Dan Kal'Rai and Cheerin to the House! Heck yeah, new members are the best thing ever and I am super-excited to have all this new blood trickling into the House. New members are what make this club move forward, so it's great to see people coming back and enjoying the DJB for what it is. And, of course, let us not forget this week's epic achievement: Yuriko Mortehana has been promoted to Dark Jedi Knight. This is an awesome moment. Our first DJK in ages and my first student to the rank, so I am doubly proud. Thank you for putting up with me and once again a huge congratulations!
Going to test a new report format this week because a) new graphics and b) new ideas. On with the show!
This week's trivia sees a new entry turn around and place! As usual, Locke came first with an incredible 6-minute time, but hot on his heels is PRT Rhiann Baenre with an 8-minute time! Brilliant work to the both of you, and congratulations. You've both earned your Legions of the Scholar.
With competitions a-plenty, it'll be hard to link to all of them. Instead, the new idea is going to be showcasing those by members of the Clan and those relevant to you guys, as well as some of the super-awesome ones going on.
I told you this week would be utterly epic. Looking at this list I am super proud, because our House is really starting to shine again and it feels amazing. Without further ado:
Cheerin: Promotions to Novice, Acolyte
Jeric Cyrin: Cerscent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Topaz Star
Jhonario L'assaut: 2x Cluster of Fire
Rhiann Baenre: Promotions to Novice, Acolyte, Protector, 1x Legion of the Scholar
Shi'Dan Kal'Rai: Promotion to Novice
Teu: 1x Dark Cross, 1x Scroll of Indoctrination
Vaar Mai: Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Emerald Star x2, Crescent with Amethyst Star, Crescent with Topaz Star x2, 1x Dark Cross, 4x Legion of the Scholar, 1x Dark Side Scroll, 1x Scroll of Foundation, 1x Scroll of Indoctrination, 11x Cluster of Fire
Yuriko Mortehana: Promotion to Dark Jedi Knight, 2x Cluster of Fire
Recruitment first - we are officially back over 40 members! Awesome! However, we're not going to stop there. I'd like to aim for 50. Speaking as someone who has brought in members, my best advice is to talk to the people you know. Your friends. After all, we all become friends here in the club, so why not bring people you're already friends with and share the love? Food for thought.
Clan Artisans starts tomorrow, so says the Great Tree Malik. Be prepared for week one and the oncoming weeks as we run all through January.
If you're interested in working on some character wiki pages for the House's NPCs, please drop me a line as there are a few we need to do as we work on the Sadow News Network wiki pages in order to have everything ready for the upcoming change. The House pages are being worked on, so look forward to that as well.
Someone I wanted to talk about last year but ran out of months to. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Jeric Cyrin. Jeric is one of the long-time members of House Marka Ragnos, once its Quaestor (for a really solid run of around 8 months, might I add!) after being its Aedile. This guy is entrenched in this House. He's also a very large part of the Chamber of Justice: he's been Right Hand of Justice, and is now serving on the Appeals Panel. He's served on the Herald staff, too! And holy hell this guy has the sexiest lightsaber and warbanner I've seen, like, ever. Man. Talk about gorgeous dossier. Jeric's done a heck of a lot.
Recently, Jeric's resurged up in activity, slowly but surely; he's been taking some Shadow Academy exams and coming back around to place in some competitions. The one thing I will say is this - I remember when I first joined the Clan and Jeric was around, with some big shiny titles and stuff. However, he was one of the most welcoming, friendly and helpful people to talk to on the mailer and it's absolutely awesome that he's here with us now, participating and helping out.
So thank you, Jeric! Thank you for being an awesome contributor to the House and Clan!
I'm super proud this week. We've seen five people bolster the ranks of the House and activity utterly unprecedented, even by parts of the Crusade. As Aedile, it makes me extremely proud. Now if we could just get our higher-ranked members to come back and comment on this report and post to the mailer regularly, I would literally be the happiest person in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. I guess I'll make that my next goal?
Look forward to a hella-awesome January, ladies and gents. I know I am.
Stay classy, Marka Ragnos.
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Stay Classy, Marka Ragnos is the best closing line ever! Good Call and Nice report!
It's been in every report I've written :P
Clearly Maelous never bothered reading your other reports. :P
claps for herself and the others Hooray for all of us!
This report is pretty classy. Stoked about the Clan Artisans!