The assembled initiates were nervous as Arania entered the small briefing room of the ACC.
"You are here because you have asked to train with me, or to qualify for full ACC membership," Arania started without introduction. "I have had no time during the Independence Games, as I have told you. But now those are over, and regular training will start up again.
In the next few days I will proceed to fight you. Those of you needing qualification for a possible war some of us feel approaching will be dealt with first, so everyone will be ready in time. Pure training fights take a little longer. "
The assembled Initiated nodded, already thinking of weapons to chose.
"I seem to have made myself clear. But also keep in mind that there are other trainers, in case I will not be able to deal with all of you in a timely manner. That will be all."
As the Initiates left, Arania proceeded to the morph halls for the first scheduled qualification battles.
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