Character Sheet Update


Character Sheet Update


The Combat Master and SCL have updated our character sheets with the addition of several martial arts styles. The list now includes every style used under the old character sheets and totals over 20. Enjoy!

ps Brimstone, the Chiss style of Carinor has been added.


I have a small question - I forgot what had been decided on this:
What is with Lore and taken SA courses? Do I have a little / medium knowledge already from my SA courses or do I need to use Lore instead to measure my gathered knowledge characterwise?

As it stands now, your SA courses do not correlate with your characters in-character knowledge. Your character can have knowledge of things that relate to their character on level with a typical standard education, but having a "Lore" skill means you have a Masters Degree in the subject.

As a note, if your time in the shadow academy becomes important to you character, I'd suggest working your degrees into an Aspect somehow.

Aspect Omniscient :D

But that could work for people who put much effort into the courses. A shame those have to sacrify a slot for such an aspect on the character sheets while the SA courses automatically show up on the dossier.

That actually leads into a question I was meaning to ask: as the ACC moves forward any plans to allow more aspect slots to be unlocked? (like the features) 6 seemed a lot at the beginning but I bet I can do 8 now. :/

I would just like to re-iterate that the Character Sheet is not ACC's to be used in ALL areas of the DB (fiction, Run-On, RPing, etc...). As for increasing Aspects...buh. Throw it onto the feedback form? heh

Halc - that's supposed to have been the case for years, but I'm still not convinced. What if during an RO someone without a CS posts, for instance?

Some of us want the CS to be used for anything and everything relating to our characters. There will of course always be those who sacrifice their personal development within the CS in order to gain supposed advantages in combat, purely directed toward ACC use. That's their choice. Personally, I love the CS and I have little interest in participating outside of special occasions in the ACC. Why? Because for the fiction competitions I do participate in, it not only helps me with stuff relating to my own character (as it basically represents the character I have always written, and helps me from being all godmodey), but it also helps others to be able to get a read on my character and include me in stories. Just as I'll use other people's CSes to include them in my stories.

Also, anyone who pretended the old pos CS was for anything but the ACC was delusional :P

I would not be adverse to working with the HM's office to set up certain unlockable feats upon completion of some degrees etc that would basically just say you know shit about whatever the course is on.

"Halc - that's supposed to have been the case for years, but I'm still not convinced. What if during an RO someone without a CS posts, for instance?"

We have this already now. Often people have to improvise. What does help is sending around short introductions who your character is, how he / she / Panda reacts on situations.

On top the character sheets won't reflect very much what your character is like if you are low-level - as they don't have as many skills and their description is only as good as the writer. It doesn't mean that journeymen characters are less deep than elder equites, it is just their amount of points does not allow a deeper definition of themselves on the char sheet. So you have to reply on the aspects and their descriptions.

What I value more: "Description of a character, a short summary about their character and their aspects" > chosen feats, skills and powers.

short version: Make a good description of your character. How they react. What they are look. Pick / create aspects that describe your character. Done!

Mark, that's because the old CS wasn't developed enough. This one is. I wouldn't mind there being a rule that you need a CS to participate in anything fiction related. It makes complete sense to do so

And Sil, the Character Sheet is not just about the Skills and Powers. The Aspects play a hugely important part, and are exactly the parts you "value most". It's not like Aspects are a separate part of the is integral to how you use the CS. Skills and Powers are what you can do; Aspects are how you do them (the very core of your character).

I am used to character sheets in roleplay games where "skills" define how you interact with the world and thus define quite nicely how you can react. ;)

But thanks for telling me, Halc! Or I wouldn't have figured that out. >:)

I'm always surprised out how benign topics can generate conversation. Pleasantly surprised.

I review character sheets when reading run ons and fiction entries. I do not do this for everyone, but as a spot check to confirm player x has the knowledge or ability to conduct action y. But, this is done sparingly as I am more interested in the story, not if you can throw a wookie 10 or 12 meters.

We have talked about making the character sheets mandatory for events, but this seems a little draconian. Maybe PRT New Guy likes a certain competition and it could serve as the genesis of creating a contributing member. Requiring a character sheet might be counter productive to inducing activity.

I'm not married to any style or system, so comments are greatly appreciated.

Typing on my phone is hard.

Haha pravis. Try doing it for the entire Crusade.

I will fix my cs to reflect the supreme martial art of carinor asap

I think having it featured as a promotion task as it is - an individual one without any other attachments - is a very strong incentive for many new members to create their character sheet. I know that three of HMR's new members have completed theirs, or are in the process of doing so, which means they're more likely to work on it before DJK.

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