"It's not a boring thing to do," one woman shouted at the other.
"Yeah is. Not everyone is as crazy as you and spends weeks in the confinement of a library, Arania," the other shouted back. "Some people like diversity."
"I was only saying..."
"You were saying that you want others to help you with your work and then turn it into a competiton," Lannie grinned.
"Uhm... well, yes, but your idea is about the same, save they would be doing YOUR work."
The two women stared at each other, and then strated to giggle. "We'll let the members decide," they said at the same time.
"Uhm, did you two notice the holonet was active during your...err.. discussion? " a third woman asked from the corner.
Alanna and Arania looked at Tiss. "It was? Well, fine, then everyone who has heard us argue can send us a message right away. Tell us what you DON'T want to do in a competition. "
Arania nodded. "And who was wrong gets to pay a round," she grinned.
A moment after this, Krath and other orders alike went to do the new poll.
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Is it really necessary to post in RP? I mean, its great for stories and stuff, but for NEWS posts?
It'll be like that for the duration of the Great Jedi War.
D'hak rolled his eyes skywards as he examined the new poll. "Women!" he exclaimed with an exasperated sigh.
"You shouldn't be so quick to judge," his apprentice chided him as he fiddled with his robes.
"Fine. Those two women!"
Just before the holonet transmission ended, everyone watched in horror as Kaine Mandaala leapt from the shadows swinging his lightsaber - cleaving the camera in two!
Just before the holonet transmission ended, everyone watched in horror as Kaine Mandaala leapt from the shadows swinging his lightsaber - cleaving the camera in two!