Ladies, gentlemen and everybody else. I know that you are all extremely busy at this time, myself included, but against such a backdrop of intensity, routine matters must still be adhered to.
It is my pleasure to present Krath Epis Jonuss Rai Sadow with a Ruby crescent for the best submission to our recent fiction topic 'I know what you did last Summer'. Likewise, I present Krath Arch Priestess Selket KuroHyo Entar with an Amethyst crescent for second place. Both for placing highly in a Dark Brotherhood competition, and for taking time out from their schedules to participate in such an activity, the office of the Krath High Priestess congratulates these two excellent examples of dark jedi. Unsurprisingly at a time such as this, there were no further entrants.
Further medals will follow shortly for the second topic that we set last month, but in the meantime, I would like to present to you a couple of topics to fill any spare time you may find this month. I would ask you to compose a poem in any style you wish, entitled 'The Force'. It should be directed to my office [in .txt or .doc at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]].
I must apologise for the second topic. I think Tissaya must have been having a blonde moment (very rare given her dark hair)... either that or someone should check how much she's been drinking lately. Anyway, apparently she would like fictional submissions entitled 'Feral Sheep'. You may leave them in her office [2 pages min, TNR 12 points/Verdana 12/or alike, [Log in to view e-mail addresses]].
With regards,
The Krath High Priestess, Dark Adept Lady Alanna
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Sheep....feral sheep....feral sheep and Tiss....I think I may actually submit to a KMT :P
I must thank Tissya from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of all the WElsh people in this Brotherhood. Yes I definetly think I'll write something for this one...