(I can't seem to submit reports. Goddammit, I complained about this months ago. Sorry this is out of character.....)
I haven't actually submitted a report in quite awhile, so I feel that its time to reveal a bit of the turmoil that has kept me strangely MIA the past few weeks...
1) As many of you know, I'm a Professor at a small midwestern University. I receive internet access through my employer most of the time. In the midst of a budget crisis, the Administration decided to save 30,000 USD and cut off broad-band service for the summer months. This wouldn't normally be a problem except that my area of residence is too remote for anything other than dialup. Cable and satellite providers do not offer broadband in my area....the population is simply too low.
2) During the summer recess, I also assume the duties that most ordinary businessmen work the year round. My business has been in a flurry of activitity lately, and as an important figure, my attention is required. Home Office is about an eight-hour drive from my home, therefore I spend quite a bit of time on planes ferrying myself between my home various important client meetings My principal source of financial security is wrapped up in this business, hence it receives as much attention as it needs.
3) My wife's mother has recently taken very ill. She and my wife need all the support I can provide her. I give them as much as I can, and more.
Needless to say, Trev's a very busy guy.
As Jac said in his report, much of the organization of this event fell on Jac and I. My task has, as always, been the creation of the written materials and background for the overall direction of the Competition. Lots of writing is going into the next chapters. With my limited time to devote to the Brotherhood, I do as much as I can, when I can.
My staff, Vassan Rokir, Maxamillian Von Oberst, and Mal'ari'carun have been indispensible for keeping my office running smoothly. They've picked up most of my slack. If you have gratitude to them, please show it.
I expect that the GJW will run on an extended schedule. Believe me, what the Dark Council has cooked up will knock your effing socks off.
Chapter Two will run as soon as Jac gets back.
The Dark Voice will be released at the same time.
-Trevarus "Shan Long" Caerick
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All the best to your Mother-in-Law.