News from the ISD Heresiarch


News from the ISD Heresiarch

Greetings noble followers of the Final Way,

It has been one standard week since I departed from the Vorago in search of the answers that lie hidden within the Shroud of the Antei system. My search has taken me to the current rallying point of the armies of Clan Tarentum, where I hope an audience with Consul Bloodfyre will bring together some explanation as to this mystery.

I will not hide the truth from you, the actions of the Deputy Grand Master are bewildering to say the least, and highly out of character. Without any knowledge of what is happening within the Shroud I can only conclude that either Lord Cotelin has finally gone mad with power or that he is staging an attempt to sieze control of the Iron Throne whilst the Grand Master himself is away on business.

Much as it is not unheard of for an apprentice to challenge his sire, this is not right, and I fear that after so many years as one of the Star Chamber the pressure of the Dark Side may have finally eroded away what was left of Lord Cotelin's sanity.

The plot thickens, and still the answers do not come. Time will show us the truth, but for now let us place our trust in Clan Tarentum, and may I once again issue a plea to the Alliance of Seven to hold itself together.

I know not of the state of the Seven Clans, but I urge all Consuls not to act brashly during this dark time. Without the direction of the Star Chamber we must remain strong and not allow our rivalries to outweigh the importance of bringing about the Final Way together, as the Brotherhood.

I hope only that this message reaches you all through the relays at the Gateway of the Keepers of Tarentum.

In Service to the Final Way,

<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td></td><td>His Excellency,
Dark Adept Xanos Zorrixor Serpenti-Sadow
High Guardian of the Dark Side and the Final Way</td></tr></table>

Standing Orders for all Brethren of the Seven Clans

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