Declaration of Alliance between Clan Naga Sadow and Clan Satal Keto


Declaration of Alliance between Clan Naga Sadow and Clan Satal Keto

WHEREAS on this, the Nineteen day of July, in the second year since the Great Exodus, the Summit and Membership of Clan Naga Sadow, came with the proposal of an Alliance to most noble Clan Satal Keto - it has been accepted and new power raised.

AND WHEREAS It is well known, that our former supporter from the Triumvirate Alliance – Clan Arcona, now stands on the war path - on the opposite side than ours. In those unfortunate times we offered an alliance to Satal Keto, to fight arm in arm with our enemy.

AND WHEREAS in this light, of those circumstances, Summits of respective Clans Satal Keto and Naga Sadow, on behalf and according to will of the memberships of each clan – met to sign the documents confirming the new forming alliance.

THEREFORE signed oath obligates Naga Sadow to uphold and support Satal Keto in its endeavors. And Satal Keto to always support and stand in one line with Naga Sadow. This is the will of both clans, their summits and their memberships, as well as their vassels – House Primus Goluud, Marka Ragnos and Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow; Aleema and Kirleta of Satal Keto.

Sith Overlord Malik Sadow
Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Krath Pontifex Tissaya Argat
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow
Praetor to the Krath High Priest
Magistrate to the Commander of the Guard

Sith Overlord Gord Darkonian
Consul of Clan Satal Keto

Krath Archpriestess Selket KuroHyo Entar
Proconsul of Clan Satal Keto

The more, the merrier. That's what I say :P

This certainly does make Tarentum's alliance with Naga Sadow questionable...

Nope. It is an ally in the war against Arcona allied with Taldryan only, as far as I know. The war between CSK and Tarentum is one of those "neutral wars". I was against the neutral war idea, and now you see why, it just makes a mess, but anyone was listening when I was saying its a bad idea? Noooooo :P So here we have first confusions. But let me clear it up again, this is not an ally against Tarentum, cause Naga Sadow and Tar are allies too, it is for the "main" GJW battle and that's Arcona + Taldryan vs the Alliance.

Yeah, neutral wars bad bad... oh wait, wasn't the alliance between Arcona and Tally broken, fictional wise? Due to Tally's treachery? What's come of that? was NOT broken.

Bloodfyre, acting supposed as his position with the CoJ, gave us 'evidence' regarding the bombing.

The summits of Arcona and Consul Kir have conversed over this and have seen fit to dismiss this evidence as false, and to let the Shadow Pact stand.

So no, your not free of us yet, foo's :P

How does a "neutral war" work?

I was so looking forward to planting my foot upon Satal Keto's neck once more...

Poor Oberst. lol

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