The Consul of Tarentum stood aboard the bridge of the Corsair, glancing out at the great expanse of space that Tarentum had been called to seal off. No one had approached the Shroud recently, since the departure of the High Warrior, Zorrixor. It had been quiet since then, but thoughts weighed heavily upon the mind of Tarentum's Consul. An end was approaching, but it was all wrong. Something... needed to change.
Bloodfyre turned, striding quickly away from where he stood, and headed towards a communications console. After pressing a few buttons, the Consul addressed the entire Clan, whose communicators had been activated by his personal codes.
"To all warriors of Tarentum," the Consul began, "this is Sith Bloodfyre. My message will be brief, but heed it well. An end draws near, but there is still one thing we must accomplish, yet. From this moment forward, we are allied only with Naga Sadow; we are at war with all others. I call upon all of you to bring battle to everyone you see, who is not a Clansmen in Tarentum, or of our allied Clan of Naga Sadow."
With that, the brief transmission was ended. Several of the officers on the bridge, as well as other crew members glanced briefly at the Adept, and then turned their heads back to their work.
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lol what's Tarentum gonna use... harsh language? :-p Time to get u're arse whooped... The ShadowPact is upon thee Muahahahaha!
Either way, Tarentum will win.
Of course...because we know how celebrated a forum for writing competence (more like the complete lack thereof) that the ACC is.
Excuse me...I must go laugh and see if I cannot exorcise that hideous thought from my mind.
Hm... Does this mean there will be an ACC extension after all, since now Tarentum practically cannot have ACC matches against two entire Clans. Unless of course, that is the point :)
Oh, god, NOOOOO! :P Bring it, ShadowPact bitches. I don't recall being afraid of "TalCona." Just disgusted by it. Find a better name to use.
Remember that there are more chapters to this war...meaning plenty of more time to beat on each other :P