Ch II Ending and Results


Ch II Ending and Results


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Just a question... Why are insane amount of points being given to platforms with little to 1 match played? It doesn't seem right to give 200 points for the great challenge of winning one allegiance game.

Possibly to state that an event is an event and to ignore anevent is to a Clans own peril.


I know it looks like it sucks, but I had two choices: Make the event worth nothing, or reward the people/clans that did stuff for it. Now everyone knows, so the next chapters that shouldn't happen.


Did I miss something?
What happened to Vitriol?

They forgot to put it in the scores... Jac will fix it shortly.

I understand that they are still events. But when there is so little participation why not base the points recieved on said participation? 200 points for one 15 minute match of Allegiance seems a bit extravagant.

well...technically it was only 100 points for the participation. 99 for first place then 100 for the match.

I know it's extravigant, and i get your point. In hindsight i probably should have done it differently, but it's too late now.


Fact of the matter is, look at it the other way...

It was stated the event would earn X points.
Member Y goes and takes part, knowing they are good and will do their Clan well.
Jac decides the event should be scrapped and knocks the points by 90%.
Member Y gets furious and refuses to take part in the rest of the War.

Now, yes, it may appear annoying to everyone else that a lot of points went for the event, but everyone KNEW that was the case as the amount of points going was made clear. But if you knock them at the last minute you cheat the people that DID take part out of points, everyone else should simply have taken notice earlier.

Its the same case when you have things like graphic sections where people just draw masses of stick men, you can't not award them, even if it is just a cheap activity.

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