Jep'man Farstrider has just sent along the following information on services he is offering through the HRLD office.
I have a large array of force crystals and pearls and have all the components required to build custom lightsabers. After a long discussion Herald Mandaala has hired me to provide members with thier own personal lightsaber.
This goes without saying, there are rules and constraints. The design and concept of your lightsaber must be accepted by both myself and the Herald before I begin its creation. Things such as lightdaggers, golden lightsabers and will need to be kept inside the ideals of the Star Wars universe. Of course you can request a Katana blade or a Klingon styled hilt, but I will bring modifications to them so they do fit. All hilts will bare a distinct power-cell compartment, activation switch and an emiter.
Note that to be eligible to recieve and own a custom lightsaber you must have reached the minimum rank of Warlord/Prelate/Archpriest.
My contract also allows me to supply personal portraits of their character to members. Though these pictures will not appear in the characters dossier they can be displayed in the members ACC character sheet. I will host these portraits on personal webspace for any who require it.
These portraits will be drawn either by hand or by illustrator/photoshop depending on the need and ranking of the member. For example of illustrator portraits see the ACC History (4 former Combat Masters)
Again, there are rules and constraints to this too. I will NEVER accept to draw anything that stretches beyond the SW ideals. Do not ask me to draw a clown, a redneck, or a regular every-day man/woman in shorts and t-shirt. Your character will have to be wearing star-warsish clothing and bare a similar appearance.
Note that this feature will be available to any members though I will never have the time to supply this to all members of the Brotherhood. Higher ranks will have be the priority.
There are rules that fit to both. I am a very busy man and will probably not have the time to do more than six or seven sabers/portraits a month. I have other DB work, have an account in Star Wars Galaxies which I love escaping to to relax, and A LOT of RL things (Work, GF, Friends, etc.)
Each request will be put on a list that will be displayed on my upcoming website and I will go through it as time allows me to, and as I see fit. Anyone who harass me for their sabers/portraits will automatically be taken of the list and scratched from ever getting services from me again. (This kind of thing happened when I did JO skins for the Herald about 1 year ago and I do NOT wish this to repeat.)
Requests will be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
You need to supply a very detailed description of your character/hilt. Things like come up with something or Im a blue eyed yellow haired human or I want a lightsaber like lukes will automatically rejected. Also remember that I have a level of tolerance and like when my clients are satisfied so I will modify portraits/hilts if something doesnt please you, as long as its kept in a reasonable manner. I will NEVER start over and I will NOT modify an image ten times. There are limits heheh.
And of course, this is a free service where all I ask is respect.
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If you didn't scour the entire post, I'll sum it up here.
Jep'Man (aka Cyris Oscura) has found the time to offer custom graphics for lightsabers and portraits. Contact him and he'll put you on the list. He has found SOME free time to do this - not a ton. Don't annoy him. Once you make your request, expect to wait a couple weeks.
Dossier 826.
Thank you for posting this so quickly Kaine.
Very cool.