The position of Baron (BAR) is open for applications. The requirements are:
- Star Wars Galaxies (owning and being able to log in at least once every day)
- 24hrs email turnaround
- Notable presence on both SWG and IRC
- be a seasoned member of the DJB (at least six months a member and rank of KP/SW/OT+)
- the ability to work together with the DC
The new Baron will face a unique situation in that there will be a couple of upcoming changes made to the DBPA the BAR will help to develop and apply. Please send your applications to Jac, FF and myself. The deadline is, as always, next saturday.
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What Spears says. :P
While it may be out of place. I thought I would jump in and specify something.
Star Wars Galaxies (owning and being able to log in at least once every day) = This means logging on into the Scylla server. While playing on Sunrider = is all well and good the Baron should be on Scylla :-P
It should be stressed actually that most in game activity will be handled by the Barons direct second in command, so actually, handling new recruits and whatnot will not so much be the Baron's job as his aides.
The idea is to split the duties in two, as it's apparent that having someone permanently active in game and permanently active out of game is an impractical impossibility. Since the Baron is an administrative head charged with handling policy decisions, structural revisions, rank elevations, medal requests, roster updates and weekly status reports all that is the Baron's priority.
His direct aide will be the in game leader, and more of the actual guild leader and face of the guild than the Baron, who will more just be the one making the decisions and handling the administration and upkeep of the guild.
Naturally a really good Baron could do both, but that's like saying a really good Grand Master could do everything and wouldn't need a Dark Council or a really good Consul could run a Clan and doesn't need any Quaestors. Sure, it's "possible", but finding that sort of person isn't exactly likely.
Actually it should be left to the Baron and the Inquisitor's discretion how they will split the work. It is better on both to agree to their duties then have both "forced" (Yes, they applied so they were not forced but they had set duties) into them.
If say the baron rather take care of recruits instead of his Inquisitor he should have full leave to do it. Of course, that is my personal opinion, just voicing it to give ideas :)
Well, yeah... who does what really is up to them, though someone needs to be directly accountable and responsible for certain areas, so in that case the Baron is for admin, and his aide for in game stuff. Meaning if the online rosters not being updated, or the DC's not recieving reports, it'll be the Baron that takes responsibility.
Same as any DC job really, you can delegate, though at the end of the day it'll be the Baron who's accountable for the admin side. What he gets his aide to do is, after all, up to him really, though since the database won't allow many major changes, it's likely his aide will be an in game role, as I'm not sure if additional admin access to the site can be given or not.
I think the reason why McKenna didn't talk about the "split" duties, and how to split, because he probably realized, it'd be up to the Baron and his/her staff as to how to accomplish that. So discussion about it is probably superfluous. :P
Oh I know, I wasn't complaining or trying to debate anything, just really making "sure" this wasn't the case. I know (rather remember) how DC works heheh.
Keep in mind that who ever does apply for baron must try to not only log on once a day, but be there to handle any guild needs. such as new recruits, or an attack from a Rebel guild. This position is quite demanding and requires knowledge of politics, So please apply if ready to serve and lead.