Due to circumstances Tissaya has decided to step down from Magistrate to the CoG. She has served the GMRG well and will be justly awarded. She is a great worker for many facetts of the DB and let it be known she is well appreciated by many.
In her place I have selected Cannabisia. Cannabisia comes from a league gaming background and has the skills necissary to help me organize the different units of the guard into effective fighting teams for league play. He will also organize regular training nights and help me finalize my draft for the DB Combat Academy which will then be sent to the Headmaster for his ok and approval and then on to Jac. Cann is also helping me screen leagues for JO and JA and set up the final structure for our competition teams in Allegiance JO and JA.
Another appointment that is being made is Pheonix to JA Company Commander. He will be in charge of overseeing the JA training platoons and will help lead the JA CTF and Team Death Match Teams. Congradulations to you both.
Still looking for other leadership and gaming talent for possitions. YOu know the drill
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Due to circumstances, Tissaya has decided to step down from Magistrate to the CoG. She has served the GMRG well and will be justly awarded. She is a great worker for many facets of the DB and let it be known she is well appreciated by many.
In her place I have selected Cannabisia. Cannabisia comes from a league gaming background and has the skills necessary to help me organize the different units of the guard into effective fighting teams for league play. He will also organize regular training nights and help me finalize my draft for the DB Combat Academy which will then be sent to the Headmaster for his ok and approval and then on to Jac. Cann is also helping me screen leagues for JO and JA and set up the final structure for our competition teams in Allegiance, JO, and JA.
Another appointment that is being made is Pheonix to JA Company Commander. He will be in charge of overseeing the JA training platoons and will help lead the JA CTF and Team Death Match Teams. Congratulations to you both.
Still looking for other leadership and gaming talent for positions. You know the drill.
Demosthenes out
Now I'm not the best speller, so there may still be a couple mistakes, but... :P
Actually, Blade... I didn't spot any in your 'update' of Demos' post. At least somebody in the GMRG knows how to spell... :p