Resignation of the Sith High Warrior


Resignation of the Sith High Warrior

Goatham has requested that I post his resignation from the position of Sith High Warrior.

Before I do so, I would just like to say a few things.

Goatham, you have never disappointed the members, the Sith Order, or Firefox. You served admirably as Sith High Warrior during a difficult tenure. I'm sorry to see you go, and you'll definately be missed, but I look forward to being able to work with you in the near future. I realize issues have recently come up, both in the DB and in real life, that have caused you a great deal of stress, but I want you to know that I speak for everyone when I say you will be missed. I hope you can find the time and drive to remain in the Brotherhood, as I have no doubt your talents will would be incredibly helpful in various areas.

Since the time of the split, you have been instrumental in many major changes and developments. I realize things have not always gone exactly as you planned, but the effort, enthusiasm and activity you've given this club over the last year and a half is impossible to replace. You were a wonderful CON in holding CNS together through the split, and did well at stemming the tide of the Sith's decline. The foundations you have helped lay will ensure that the Sith succeed in the coming months.

In closing, I'd like to extend a heart-fealt thanks from the Dark Council for your service. You've done an excellent job, and good luck in whatever path you take from here on out

DA Telaris "Mav" Cantor

Greetings Members of the Dark Brotherhood,

It is with great disappointment that today I am forced to announce my retirement as Sith High Warrior.

I am not pleased with this outcome and cannot say that this was as I had intended though unfortunately my relations with the main body of the Dark Council have reached an irretrievable breakdown and I no longer find myself capable of fulfilling my duties. Though such is the way of the world and I am sure the Sith Order will benefit under the reign of a Leader with whom the Dark Council is more willing to co-operate.

I would like to extend my apologies to Grand Master Firefox for having failed to live up to his expectations. I knew the day I reluctantly accepted this position that it would be a hard ride though I had not anticipated the difficulties coming from within my working environment. When I accepted Sith High Warrior a year ago one of the requirements was to be willing to serve the Sith Order in the long run and look toward the future of the Order. It is my inability now to complete that which I set out to achieve and committed myself to for which I am most ashamed.

Perhaps however this was my greatest failing, for I was stuck in the Sith Order and the future of the Sith Order with little consideration for the rest. I expected 110% out of myself and those around me and was never satisfied when I only got 90%. I committed myself to the future of the Sith Order in ways that unfortunately many have not been able to appreciate and it is for that reason the vision I have for the future of the Sith Order, a prosperous future, can no longer work with the way the main body of the Dark Council wishes to take the Sith.

I would also like to extend my apologies to the Sith Order itself. I do not consider myself as having been a good Sith High Warrior and do not consider that I have brought you anything. The Sith Order is in no better state now than when I took over the most that has been achieved is the breaking of Order boundaries rather than any real improvements to the infrastructure of the Order. That is not to say that I did not try, though my visions are not fitting with Project: Rebirth or those of the rest of the Dark Council so again, what I wished to achieve became impossible. I make no excuses though I still wish to extend my apologies, for the Sith Order deserved better.

I do not envy my successor. They will not have a hard time living up to my legacy for I make no claim to be leaving any large shoes to fill, if anything I’m not leaving any shoes at all. The position of Sith High Warrior was when I took it and in my belief remains to this day the most challenging and difficult of all the roles on the Dark Council. It is a thankless job where everything you try seems futile and nothing that could prosper the Order is in tune with the greater ideas for the future of the Dark Brotherhood. Short term solutions are unwanted and long term solutions are at present impossible until Project: Rebirth is complete.

I will extend what support I can to my successor, should they so wish it, though I will extend my warning to all those who would apply for vain interests and their own glory. The position of Sith High Warrior is not an easy one and those who apply solely for the privilege of being on the Dark Council will find themselves gravely mistaken when they take on the reigns. The position requires somebody passionate and genuinely interested in the future of the Sith Order. With Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Republic Commando being released in mere weeks the Sith Order has what many have been telling me for months it’s chance to reform right before it. The new Sith High Warrior will need to utilise these games to their full advantage and there will be no time to spare. Like I say, I do not envy you, though I would ask all to think twice before applying for their own reasons, for the position is only welcome to those who have the Sith Order at heart.

I will leave you all with some words of advice, advice that I hope my former colleagues on the Dark Council and among the Assembly of Consuls- whom I have always considered as much a part of the main body of the Council as all others- will listen to, hopefully in a greater light than they ever chose to while I was among their body;

  1. The Dark Brotherhood is the Membership. The Leaders of the Dark Brotherhood are here for the Membership. The moment this is forgotten the Leaders stop working for the Membership and as such stop working for the Dark Brotherhood. Though this club is not a democracy I do feel in the past twelve months the interest in the views of the general member has diminished.

  2. The Dark Brotherhood requires stability to prosper. To continually be changing structure and swapping Leaders is detrimental to any unit. The structure can be flexible though it should not change. The Clans would do well be become flexible though not to change.

  3. The future of the Dark Brotherhood Gaming Organisation rests in the release of new games. The upcoming releases of Star Wars: Republic Commando and Star Wars: Battlefront must be planned for, must be utilised and must be reorganised for in advance. The club made a mistake at the release of Jedi Academy to do nothing until the release and one would hope we have learned from our past mistakes and will this time plan in advance. The Dark Brotherhood should be able to exceed 1000 active members through these two new games- and furthermore with the release of Episode: III next year possibly exceed even greater numbers. In reference to Statement 2 these members will want and deserve stability, prior-planning should be a priority.

  4. The future of the Dark Brotherhood are the Membership of today. The views of the Membership should shape all projects headed by the Leaders at whatever expense this is to the Leaders. The Leaders are voluntary SERVANTS to the Membership. The wills and desires of the Membership should be prioritised over the ease of any project.

  5. The future of the Dark Brotherhood is shaped by the Leaders. The Membership should face the realisation that at all times any future is a compromise of all possible interests. The Leaders are VOLUNTARY servants to the Membership and give up their time for the Membership. The Dark Brotherhood is a large establishment, you only need picture how much power must be required to drive such a body to realise the work that the Dark Council do put into this club and often the future would be more prosperous should both the Leaders and the Membership remember both these Statements.

  6. Co-operation is paramount to the future. Co-operation between the Leaders and the Membership. The Leaders must remember that they are servants to the Membership and the Membership must remember that the Leaders are volunteers not superhuman. It has been forgotten in the period of the past year that for the Dark Brotherhood to thrive both groups must work together in harmony rather than in opposition. The future of the Dark Brotherhood will be assured if those who are its future work closely with those who shape it.

  7. Co-operation between the Leaders and other Leaders is vital. No Leader should be in the dark over the work of another Leader. All Leaders should be equal. Think of the Round Table in the legend of King Arthur. The Leaders should share one voice and one say. No Leader should be senior to another Leader. All Leaders should work in harmony, fairness and equality.

  8. The Structure of the Dark Brotherhood should work in harmony. The Membership should not compete with one another for advantage. The Seven Clans should function in harmony with joint co-operation between Consuls so that when one Clan suffers a loss the others help the injured. This should extend up the chain of organisation to the Three Orders. The Orders should not compete with one another. The Membership should be happy and active. The Membership should not be bred into opposition with one another.

  9. The words of the Devil’s Advocate are wise and should not be taken at face value. In the past I may well have ransacked every new idea that came my way and torn it apart with a fine tooth comb though I did so to demonstrate the brutality of the future, remember however, that there was a long period of time when I sat by and never said a word. No idea should be taken forward without ensuring it is the best idea. Though at the time many may see this as a form of delay and unhelpfulness one does hope that in the future when the fruits out our labours can be seen in the prosperity of the Dark Brotherhood those who once questioned the way I have always chosen to work may perhaps finally understand me. However I have always appreciated that most will take years before they will understand what it is I set out to achieve, for I look to the future and far beyond the regular scope of most people.

  10. The Dark Brotherhood is about having fun. Fun for the Membership. Fun for the Leaders. The moment one stops having fun one stops having purpose in the Dark Brotherhood. Always remember why we ALL filled out the Join Form.

I will leave you with the words spoken by the Grand Master the moment the future of the Dark Brotherhood was set into motion back in April of 2003:

Alae Jacta Est.

I have thrown the dice, I only hope now that in my last action as Sith High Warrior perhaps I will finally be listened to. I had only hoped to make my point it would not have required this.

The ball is in the Leaders court now. It is up to them to take advantage of the future.

In Service to the Iron Throne,

His Excellency,
Dark Adept Xanos Zorrixor
Elder of the Sith Order

Sad to see you go from the order leader Goat, hope to see you back in CNs pretty soon....

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