Battlefront Update


Battlefront Update

Well, it seems battlefront is going to be a popular platform inside and outside of the DB. It's gotten raving reviews from all the gaming forums and websites IGN ect.. so. With that some more DB Battlefront news.

The DJB has registered on TWL ( Team Warefare League ) in preperation for the TWL Battlefront League. If you are interested in playing for the DB this is some key information you will need and you will need to do in order to be eligable for the DB team. I will be pulling our starters and players from the TWL roster we start so you will need to register at TWL.

DB team name: DarkBrotherhood ( there is another Dark brotherhood with 2 words ours is 1 word... i think some one may have tried registering us before in one of the former GMRG's and never deactivated the team)

DB team Clan tag: [DJB]

Once you sign up I think there is a way you can search for the team using our clan tag and request to join. I will then confirm and you will be able to join our team. There will also be internal competitions going on and many other great things going on in battlefront as time goes by I will keep you updated. As soon as I find a list of some good servers that will be up I'll post the public servers we'll be playing on most so we can all pub together. Take care.

Yeah, you can't sign up onto it yet, but just email Demos your TWL name and he'll keep track of you.

My name is DJB_Prophet

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