Hey Ya'll ,
After a short review of team members and locations I"ve decided to hold our first BF practice 8EST Thursday. Try and Gather around the #GMRG Channel about 7:45 and we'll password the server down so it's DB people only. Also make sure you have teamspeak by then and have been able to connect. This gives you 4 days to Download TeamSpeak and learn how to connect to the server... it took my 5 min. to do that. MAKE SURE YOU DO IT BEFORE THE PRACTICE so we can iron out any difficulties you may have. IF you cannot make this practice time let me know so you can be excused instead of me marking you awol. This practice largely will be a scrimmage assessment and will not be like most of our practices. I need to learn where everyone's skill level is and watch us so I know what we all need to work on and what we have to work with. So with that... get ready to meet on Thursday... get together and have fun... I'll try to establish some shiny guidelines for your medal cabinet as well ;) as far as practice is concerned before Thurs. SO WITH THAT Lets LOCK AND LOAD.
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Thursday at 7:45? I have school. Do it on a Monday, a Wednesday, a Friday, or a Sunday. Why Thursday :P
Bah your just reserve anyways, me elbows Cann :P
not that I need to so much explain but there are logistical reasons... some gaming/training nights are going to be revamped and probably held on Tuesday and Thursday. I wanted to make things run smoothly and less stressful and just have things flow right into one another. I plan on us holding 2 practices a week with a standard expectation of people trying to make both but making 1 a week Tues and Thurs, preparing for our matches on saturday and or sunday. Each week we outline the strategy... pick possitions... and practice scrimming on the map that we play for the weekend match. That's kinda what's going on. So ... that's why :-). There's more to it then that. But that should suffice as an explenation.
ok, well i wont ever be at a practice then, i got school tuesdays thursdays and saturdays. you all have fun :P
Blade you know as well as I know what the first couple practices are for.. you aslo know if there are to many schedualing problems they can easily be moved with team understanding to Mon Wed or someththing. That is something we work on collectively as a team through the next weeks. But you also know we have to start somewhere. SO, Thursday.. :-p.
Bah, if I dont show up its because I'm still at work. The time you posted I would be hard pressed to make it anyway. So if I'm not there its cause I'm still slaving away in the warehouse.