Updated Mission for Clean TIE


Updated Mission for Clean TIE

Lenzar has just sent me an update for the first mission in the Clean TIE series. Please re-download it.

If you want to re-submit the new version, have at it, but old submissions will still work.

Thanks to Lenz.

good work lenzar.

Hmm, its still broken. The transport that is supposed to repair the shuttle, if disabled, still doesnt repair the shuttle.

Disregard my above comment... I was playing the wrong version. The mission still has problems though.

Let me know what's wrong with it..sigh

WEll, if the repair transport repairs the shuttle, the gunboast will try to disable it again. If they suceed, and since the shuttle has no shields its not difficult, the mission is pretty much screwed. I managed to beat the mission without the shuttle getting disabled... A way to fix this is for the transport to show up once all the gunboats are destroyed.m but the other problem (see below) could make that impossible as well.

On a side note, heavily damaged fighters retreat to the VSD's hangar, possibly making the mission unbeatable. But it shouldnt really be a problem.

That's a TIE error and unfixable..sorry. Even if I do make the TRN dock again with the same board order, it will not fix the E/S.

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