Baron AWOL


Baron AWOL

Instituted as a solution to fix the DBPA, Primarch Dreadnaught has gone AWOL. Because of his inactivity and failure to communicate with his superiors and - more importantly - the members of the DBPA, Dreadnaught is hereby removed from his position as Baron of the Dark Brotherhood Player's Association.

There will be no immediate opening of the position again. Instead, Jac, FF, me and the entire DBPA will work on good solution this time. Eventually, the position may be opened again soon - but not at the present time.


That wouldent have happened if I was chosen as Baron :P Dunno wtf ya'll were thinking.

I'm not sure if you were serious with that comment or not, however...Dread has been a proven stable leader in the past. Probably one of the best of us IMHO. I'm sure something major came up in RL that he felt needed more attention then being Baron. I know the guy personally and we can all only hope that he'll make it through whatever endeavor came up.

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